J Korean Soc Transplant.  2015 Dec;29(4):187-193. 10.4285/jkstn.2015.29.4.187.

3D Printing Technology and Its Applications for Tissue/Organ Regeneration

  • 1Department of Molecular Medicine, Gachon University College of Medicine, Incheon, Korea. jwlee@gachon.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Gachon University College of Medicine, Incheon, Korea. dr632@gilhospital.com


Three-dimensional (3D) printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), has been used frequently in regenerative or translational medicine. In addition, recent advances in 3D printing technologies have opened the door to 3D bio-printing, which uses cells, biocompatible materials, and scaffolding simultaneously to generate 3D functional tissues. Although tissue generation by bio-printing such as multilayered skin, bone, bladder, and vascular grafts has shown good results, there are still several challenges related to printing of entire organs, particularly modulation of vascular formation during organ regeneration. This article provides a background and introduction to bio-printing for creation of artificial organs and tissues.


Printing; Three-Dimensional; Tissue engineering; Tissue scaffold; Regeneration; Bioprinting

MeSH Terms

Artificial Organs
Biocompatible Materials
Tissue Engineering
Tissue Scaffolds
Translational Medical Research
Urinary Bladder
Biocompatible Materials


  • Fig. 1. 3D printing bladder scaffold. Reprinted from Fig. 1 of reference [33].

  • Fig. 2. The windpipe (BioArtificial Trachea). Reprinted from Fig. 2 of reference [34].

  • Fig. 3. Various application using 3-D precision scaffold.

  • Fig. 4. 3D Printed skull implantation. Reprinted from Fig. 4 of reference [4].

  • Fig. 5. 3D Printing nostril stent. Reprinted from Fig. 5. of reference [4].

  • Fig. 6. Implanted 3D Printing nostril stent. Reprinted from Fig. 6 of reference [4].



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