Korean J Med.  1997 Aug;53(2):153-159.

Beneficial Effect of Midazolam in Bronchoscopy, Single-Blind, Randomized, Prospective Study


Although bronchoscopy is an important diagnostic tool for lung disease, patients compliance is low due to discomfort. Recently, midazolam which has a favorable anterograde amnesia effect and short action duration, has been used to relieve patients discomfort during bronchoscopy. Midazolam was investigated in order to see the beneficial effect and safety during bronchoscopy.
The study design was single blind, randomized, prospective. 102 patients were included, in whom bronchoscopy was performed between June, 19% and October, 1995 at Samsung Medical Center. They were categorized into midazolam group and control group. Patients were asked about the amnesic effect, discomfort of procedure and the willingness to repeat procedure. The consciousness level of patients during procedure, patient cooperation during procedure and ease of procedure were also reported by bronchoscopists.
1) The difference of oxygen saturation between two groups: There was no significant difference in oxygen saturation between midazolam group and control group before and after bronchoscopy. During procedure, however, mean oxygen saturations in midazolam group (90+/-6.4%) was significantly lower than in control group (93+/-4.7%)(p<0.05). 2) Evaluations by patients (1) Effect of amnesia: 41 patients (82%) in midazolam group could not recall the procedure but 52 patients (100%) recalled the entire procedure in control group. A favorable amnesic effects could be found in midazolam group(p<0.05). {2) The discomfort during the procedure: 43 patents(86%) did not experience discomfort from procedure in midazolam group but 25 patients(48%) complained of discomfort in control group (p<0.05). (3) Most patients except two(96%) were willing to repeat fiberoptic bronchoscopy in midazolam group but 13 patients (25%) answered that they would never repeat bronchoscapy. There was a statistically significant difference between two groups in the willingness to repeat bronchocopy (p<0.05). 3) The evaluations by bronchoscopists Cooperations of the patients and ease of procedure were not different between two groups. The patients in midazolam group except eight could not respond to verbal stimuli but most patients were awakened during procedure in control group(p<0.05).
Midazolam is a good sedative agent for a patient to give a favorable amnesia, reduction of discomfort during bronchoscopy. We concluded that midazolam is a safe and useful sedative agent and midazolam may be used routinely during bronchoscopy. Monitoring of oxygen saturation, however, is essential to prevent severe hypoxia during procedure.


Midazolam; Amnesia; Bronchoscopy

MeSH Terms

Amnesia, Anterograde
Lung Diseases
Patient Compliance
Prospective Studies*
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