J Periodontal Implant Sci.  2010 Apr;40(2):96-101. 10.5051/jpis.2010.40.2.96.

Clinical evaluation of a collagen matrix to enhance the width of keratinized gingiva around dental implants

  • 1Department of Periodontology, Chosun University School of Dentistry, Gwangju, Korea. periojang@chosun.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of collagen matrix with apically positioned flap (APF) on the width of keratinized gingiva, comparing to the results of APF only and APF combined with free gingival graft (FGG) at the second implant surgery.
Nine patients were selected from those who had received treatments at the Department of Periodontics, Chosun University Dental Hospital, Gwangju, Korea. We performed APF, APF combined with FGG, and APF combined with collagen matrix coverage respectively. Clinical evaluation of keratinized gingival was performed by measuring the distance from the gingival crest to the mucogingival junction at the mid-buccal point, using a periodontal probe before and after the surgery.
The ratio of an increase was 0.3, 0.6, and 0.6 for the three subjects in the APF cases, 3, 5, and 7 for the three in the APF combined with FGG case, and 1.5, 0.5, and 3 for the three in the APF combined with collagen matrix coverage case.
This study suggests that the collagen matrix when used as a soft tissue substitute with the aim of increasing the width of keratinized tissue or mucosa, was as effective and predictable as the FGG.


Collagen; Dental implantation; Gingiva

MeSH Terms

Dental Implantation
Dental Implants
Mucous Membrane
Dental Implants


  • Figure 1 Case 1 - Apically positioned flap. (A) Pre-surgical image of #36 implant site. Note the presence of approximately 3 mm width of keratinized tissue exists. (B) Split partial thickness flap was elevated and sutured at the base of the newly created vestibule with 5-0 non-resorbable nylon sutures. (C) Five months after prosthetic setting, the keratinized tissue was well maintained. However, the vertical incision at the time of surgery produced a frenum at #35 distal area.

  • Figure 2 Case 2 - Apically positioned flap combined with free gingival grafts (FGG). (A) Pre-surgical image of #36 and 37 implant sites. Note the minimal amount of keratinized tissue on the edentulous ridge. (B) Split partial-thickness flap was elevated and sutured at the base of the newly created vestibule with 5-0 non-resorbable nylon sutures. (C) Dimension of the FGG retrieved from the patient's palate. (D) FGG sutured on the recipient bed. (E) Healing of the FGG after three weeks post surgery. Note the presence of 3-4 mm of keratinized tissue around the healing abutment. (F) Some shrinkage has taken place after 3 months.

  • Figure 3 Case 3 - Apically positioned flap combined with collagen matrix coverage. (A) Pre-surgical image of #36 implant site. 2-3 mm of keratinized tissue is present. Note the adjacent teeth buccal-gingival line. Keratinized tissue loss was detected after tooth loss. (B) Split partial-thickness flap was elevated (C) Flap was sutured at the base of the newly created vestibule with 5-0 non-resorbable nylon sutures. (D) Collagen matrix covered the recipient bed. (E) One months later, 2 mm of keratinized tissue gain was observed vertically and horizontally. (F) Well maintained keratinized tissue after 6 months.

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