J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci.  2018 Mar;34(1):1-9. 10.14368/jdras.2018.34.1.1.

On the effect of saline immersion to the removal torque for resorbable blasting media and acid treated implants

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Kyung-pook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea. sungamcho@gmail.com


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the titanium implant soaked in saline after RBM and acid etched surface treatment on the initial osseointegration by comparing the removal torque and the surface analysis compared to the titanium implant with only RBM and acid etched surface treatment.
The control group was RBM and acid etched surface treated implants (RBM + HCl), and the test group was implants soaked in saline for 2 weeks after RBM and acid etched surface treatment (RBM + HCl + Sal). The control and test group implants were placed in the left and right tibiae of 10 rabbits, respectively, and at the same time, the insertion torque (ITQ) was measured. After 10 days, the removal torque (RTQ) was measured by exposing the implant site. FE-SEM, EDS, Surface roughness and Raman spectroscopy were performed for the surface analysis of the new implant specimens used in the experiments.
There was significant difference in insertion torque and removal torque between control group and experimental group (P = 0.014 < 0.05). Surface roughness of experimental group is higher than control group.
Saline soaking after RBM and acid etched surface treatment of titanium implants were positively affect the initial osseointegration as compared to titanium implants with only RBM and acid etched surface treatment.


implant; hydroxyapatites; acid etching; sodium chloride; rabbits

MeSH Terms

Sodium Chloride
Spectrum Analysis, Raman
Sodium Chloride


  • Fig. 1 FE-SEM images of RBM + HCl group and RBM + HCl + Sal group (×2,000) magnification. (A) RBM + HCl group, (B) RBM + HCl + Sal group.

  • Fig. 2 Surface roughness images. (A) RBM + HCl group, (B) RBM + HCl + Sal group.

  • Fig. 3 EDS analysis of RBM + HCl group. RBM, resorbable blasting media; HCl, hydrogen chloride.

  • Fig. 4 EDS analysis of RBM + HCl + Sal group. RBM, resorbable blasting media; HCl, hydrogen chloride; Sal, normal saline.

  • Fig. 5 Raman spectroscopy analysis of RBM + HCl implant and RBM + HCl + Sal group. RBM, resorbable blasting media; HCl, hydrogen chloride; Sal, normal saline.



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