J Nutr Health.  2017 Oct;50(5):426-436. 10.4163/jnh.2017.50.5.426.

Comparing the effects of intake of sugar containing different levels of D-ribose in sugar on glycemic index and blood glucose response in healthy adults

  • 1Department of Food & Nutrition, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, Korea. cmoon@kookmin.ac.kr
  • 2R&D Center, TS Corporation, Incheon 22300, Korea.


To compare the extent to which three different levels of D-ribose in sugar reduce the glycemic index (GI) and blood glucose response in healthy adults.
Healthy adults (eight male and six female participants, n = 14) fasted for 14~16 h after eating the same dinner. Participants were then randomized to receive glucose, sucrose, sucrose containing 5% D-ribose (RB5), sucrose containing 10% D-ribose (RB10), or sucrose containing 14% D-ribose (RB14) every week on the same day for 10 weeks (repeating the sample twice). Blood samples were collected by finger prick before and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after starting to eat.
We observed a decreased glycemic response to sucrose containing D-ribose. GIs for sucrose, RB5, RB10, and RB14 were 67.39, 67.07, 47.57, and 45.62, respectively. GI values for sucrose and RB5 were similar to those for foods with a medium GI, and GI values for RB10 and RB14 were similar to those for foods with a low GI. The postprandial maximum blood glucose rise (Cmax) with RB14 was the lowest among the test foods. Cmax values for RB10 and RB14 were significantly lower than that for sucrose.
The results of this study suggest that sucrose containing D-ribose has an acute suppressive effect on GI and Cmax. In addition, D-ribose active elements in sugar may be effective in preventing blood glucose spikes induced by sucrose intake.


D-ribose; blood glucose; glycemic index; healthy adults

MeSH Terms

Blood Glucose*
Glycemic Index*
Blood Glucose


  • Fig. 1 Blood glucose responses after administration of the control food (glucose) and test food (sucrose, RB5, RB10 and RB14) RB5: sucrose with 5% D-ribose powder, RB10: sucrose with 10% D-ribose powder, RB14: sucrose with 14% D-ribose powder. a b c d: Values not sharing the same superscript letter are significantly different by repeated measures ANOVA test followed by Duncan's test.


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