J Nutr Health.  2015 Oct;48(5):398-406. 10.4163/jnh.2015.48.5.398.

Effect of different levels of xylooligosaccharide in sugar on glycemic index and blood glucose response in healthy adults

  • 1Department of Food & Nutrition, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, Korea. cmoon@kookmin.ac.kr
  • 2R&D Center, TS Corporation, Incheon 22300, Korea.


In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of sucrose containing 2 different levels of xylooligosaccharide on the glycemic index (GI) and blood glucose response in healthy adults.
Healthy adults (4 male participants and 6 female participants, n = 10) were randomized to receive glucose, sucrose, sucrose containing 7% xylooligosaccharide active elements (Xylo 7), or sucrose containing 10% xylooligosaccharide active elements (Xylo 10). Each participant was administrated one of these materials once a week for 8 weeks and an oral glucose tolerance test was performed.
We found a reduction in the glycemic response to sucrose that included xylooligosaccharide active elements (Xylo 7 and Xylo 10). The glycemic indices of sucrose, Xylo 7 and Xylo 10 were 68.9, 54.7, and 52.5, respectively. The GI values of Xylo 7 and Xylo 10 were similar to that of foods with low GI. The percentage reduction of GI value caused by sucrose containing xylooligosaccharide active elements was significantly different and dose-dependent as compared to that caused by sucrose alone (p < 0.05). The reduction in the glycemic response to Xylo 7 and Xylo 10 was 21% and 24%, respectively, as compared to the glycemic response to sucrose. The attenuation of the glycemic response to Xylo 10 tended to be higher than that for Xylo 7 when the percentage of body fat was increased.
These results demonstrated that xylooligosaccharide active elements may be effective in protecting humans against overconsumption of sucrose.


xylooligosaccharide active element; blood glucose; glycemic index; healthy adults

MeSH Terms

Adipose Tissue
Blood Glucose*
Glucose Tolerance Test
Glycemic Index*
Blood Glucose


  • Fig. 1. Mean blood glucose responses after administration of control food (glucose) and test food (sucrose, Xylo 7 and Xylo 10). Each value is the mean ± SD. Different alphabets at same time are significant (p < 0.05) between groups. Xylo 7: sucrose with 14% xylooligosaccaride powder (active element X2~X7 7%), Xylo 10: sucrose with 20% xylooligosaccaride powder (active element X2~X7 10%)

  • Fig. 2. Correlation between percent body fat and glycemic index of Xylo 7 and Xylo 10. Xylo 7: sucrose with 14% xylooligosaccaride powder (active element X2~X7 7%), Xylo 10: sucrose with 20% xylooligosaccaride powder (active element X2~X7 10%)

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