Lab Med Online.  2020 Jul;10(3):242-246. 10.3343/lmo.2020.10.3.242.

Inhibition of Cross-Reactive Carbohydrate Determinant–Specific IgEs Reduce False Positive Reponses to Multiple Allergen Simultaneous Test–Immunoblot Assay: A Case Study

  • 1Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
  • 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea


Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) are simple carbohydrates linked to amino acid chains; they are found in pollens, vegetable foods, insect, and Hymenoptera venoms and are broadly cross-reactive with CCD-specific IgE antibodies. A man in his fifties was evaluated using a multiple allergen simultaneous test–immunoblot assay. On the PROTIA Allergy-Q 64 inhalant panel (ProteomeTech, Korea), reactions to 37 of 59 antigens were observed except mammalian antigens, and cross-reactivity owing to anti-CCD antibodies was suspected. After ProGlycAn CCD-blocker (ProGlycAn, Austria) treatment, the patient exhibited no response to CCD allergens, and the number of allergens showing positive reactions was reduced to 15. We further tested a total of 7 samples from patients who were suspected to have CCD-related cross-reactivity. For these 8 patients, the average number of positive reactions to allergens was reduced from 33 (range 24-36) to 8 (range 0-19) after CCD-blocker treatment. We concluded that CCD-blocker treatment in sample with anti-CCD antibodies can reduce the false positive reponse and provide more specific information about allergens.


Cross-reactive carbohydrates; Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinats; Allergens; Epitopes; False positives; IgE


  • Fig. 1 Prototypical structure of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant.


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