1995 Jun;15(2):262-267.
A case of occupational asthma caused by cow Hair Cross- allergenicity between cow and deer hair allergens
- A 41 year-old farmer's wife was evaluated about her asthma and rhinitis of five-year duration. She and her husband had bred 20 to 30 cows since five years prior to occurence of asthma. She showed a strong positive skin prick test reaction to animal hair allergens from goat (3+) and deer(>5+ as well as to cow hair allergen(>5+)(lmg/ml) prepared with cow hair which they brought. Bronchoprovocation test showed early asthmatic responses to both cow and deer hair extracts. Serum specific IgE antibodies to cow and deer hair extracts were detected by enzyme4inked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cross ELISA inhibition study revealed a complete inhibition of deer hair specific IgE antibody by cow hair allergen and a partial inhibition of cow hair specific IgE was noted by deer hair allergen. In conclusion, cow hair can cause occupational rhinitis and asthma in an exposed patient and cross-allergenicity between cow and deer hair allergen was noted.