Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol.  2016 Dec;9(4):358-365. 10.21053/ceo.2015.01508.

Effectiveness of Palatal Mucosa Graft in Surgical Treatment of Sub-Glottic Stenosis

  • 1Department of Thoracic Surgery, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Medical Faculty of Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey.
  • 2Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Medical Faculty of Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey.
  • 3Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty of Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey.
  • 4Department of Experimental Research Laboratory, Medical Faculty of Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey.
  • 5Department of Thoracic Surgery, Liv Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.


Mucosal free grafts may be successfully applied in many surgical interventions. This study aims at investigating the feasibility of palatal mucosa graft in sub-glottic field in an animal model.
This randomized prospective controlled study was conducted with an animal model. Sub-glottic inflammation was created in 15 adult rabbits in each group and sub-glottic stenosis surgery was applied thereafter. The rabbits in group 1 (control group) underwent segmental resection, partial cricoidectomy, and trachea-thyroid cartilage anastomosis; the rabbits in group 2 underwent segmental resection, cricoplasty, and crico-tracheal anastomosis using free buccal mucosa graft; and the rabbits in group 3 underwent segmental resection, cricoplasty, and crico-tracheal anastomosis using free palatal mucosa graft. Re-stenosis was evaluated after 42 days.
The percentages of stenosis were 27%±20%, 40%±20%, and 34%±23% for group 1, 2, and 3, respectively and the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.29). Intensive and tight fibrosis was observed in 2 rabbits (13%) in group 1, in 5 rabbits (33%) in group 2, and in 3 rabbits (20%) in group 3. There was not a statistically significant difference between groups (P=0.41). Excessive inflammation was observed in 3 rabbits (20%) in group 1, in 7 rabbits (47%) in group 2, and 3 rabbits (20%) in group 3. There was no a statistically significant difference between groups although inflammation rate was higher in the rabbits which underwent buccal mucosa graft (P=0.18).
The surgical treatments applied with free mucosa graft reduced anastomosis tension through enabling anastomosis to the distal of cricoid instead of thyroid cartilage. Free palatal mucosa grafts may be used in sub-glottic field, one of the most challenging fields of trachea surgery, due to ease of application and rapid vascularization.


Tracheal Stenosis; Mucosal Tissues; Autografts; Airway; Wound Healing

MeSH Terms

Constriction, Pathologic*
Models, Animal
Mouth Mucosa
Mucous Membrane*
Prospective Studies
Thyroid Cartilage
Tracheal Stenosis
Wound Healing


  • Fig. 1. Sub-glottic stenosis surgery with mucosal graft. (A) Dissection of stenotic trachea segment; (a) thyroid cartilage, (b) cricoid cartilage, (c) stenotik tracheal segment. (B) An incision from the anterior of cricoid cartilage to thyroid cartilage was done and traction suture was applied to both margins after the stenotic tracheal segment had been removed; (a) thyroid cartilage, (b) cricoid cartilage (anterior part of its is divided and traction sutures were applied to both margins), (c) distal trachea. (C) The fibrotic mucosa within the cricoid cartilage were excised; (a) distal trachea, (b) cricoid cartilage (Leaving the posterior plate of cricoid intact. The tracheal lesion and fibrotic mucosa on the cricoid cartilage were completely removed). (D) The mucosa graft was fixed to cricoid ring; (a) cricoid cartilage (The inner surface of the posterior plate of its was completely covered with mucosal graft). (E) A continuous suture was done between membranous surface of trachea and cricoid ring. Then, the triangle piece obtained from thyroid cartilage was removed and the cartilage graft was fixed to the anterior surface of cricoid ring; (a) thyroid cartilage (a triangle piece removed from lateral surface of its), (b) Cricoid cartilage (the cartilage graft was fixed to cricoid), (c) distal trachea (sutured to the plate of cricoid). (F) Cartilaginous surface of trachea and the anterior surface of cricoid were sutured individually and end-to-end anastomosis was completed (The diameter of cricoid ring was enlarged by applying a triangle cartilage graft).

  • Fig. 2. Percentages of stenosis at the completion of the study.

  • Fig. 3. The histopathological views of fibrosis scores in the samples taken from subglottic area of rabbits. (A) Score 2, (B) score 3, (C) score 4, and (D) score 5.

  • Fig. 4. The histopathological views of inflammation scores in the samples taken from subglottic area of rabbits. (A) Score 2, (B) score 3, (C) score 4, and (D) score 5.


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