Korean J Rehabil Nurs.  2001 Dec;4(2):179-186.

Development of a Curriculum for Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist Program


The purpose of this study is to develop a systematic and efficient curriculum for the rehabilitation nurse specialist program. This research was carried out as a group work of 15 experts in order to share vanous opinions about the curriculum. and also through literature review. Articles. curriculums of other Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs. medical laws guidelines. as well as Clinical Nurse Specialist Program from the Korean Nurses Association were reviewed, and the issue was discussed throughly via group meetings. The developed cunicul urn is as follows: 1. Educational philosophy lies in the fact that the rehabilitation nurses support the patients to maximize their potential and functional level. so that they could maintain healthy state and re-adapt to changed environment. Furthermore the rehabilitation nurses are disposed of arbitrary decision power under their own responsibility. thus they take charge of we]fare and healthy environment of the local society through the patients (subjects) and local resources. 2. Educational goals are to train rehabilitation nurse specialist. who correspond to the social needs. so to say. those who have the know]edge and skills for nursing practice, education and research. 3. The curriculum consists of 37 credits, of which 24 credits are based on lectures and 13 credits based on clinical practice. General courses are 3 subjects (5 credits): nursing theory, nursing research. and laws/ethics, Mandatory courses are 8 subjects with 19 credits: advanced physical assessment, pharmacology, pathophysiology, issues in rehabilitation nursing, advanced rehabilitation nursing intervention I. advanced rehabilitation nursing intervention II. sports physiology. special rehabilitation nursing intervention. As for the clinical practice courses, assesment and evaluation for rehabilitation (64 hours), community and home based rehabilitation nursing(128 hours), hospital based rehabilitation nursing(l28 hours), institution based rehabilitation nursing(96 hours) would be treated. 4. Contents of the courses were developed to correspond with the courses' objectives and specific items. 5. Evaluation would be carried out both in the lecure and in the clinical practice. The knowledge and skills of the students would be measured to ensure full validity and credibility. However this developed curriculum should be continuously modified and updated in more desirable direction.

MeSH Terms

Group Processes
Nurse Clinicians
Nursing Research
Nursing Theory
Rehabilitation Nursing
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