J Educ Eval Health Prof.  2007;4:5.

Effects of Rating Training on Inter-Rater Consistency for Developing a Dental Hygiene Clinical Rater Qualification System

  • 1Department of Dental Hygiene, Masan College, Masan, Korea. jrpark@masan.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Dental Hygiene Chunnam Techno College, Gokseong, Korea.
  • 3Korean Dental Hygienists' Association, Seoul, Korea.
  • 4Department of Dental Hygiene, Hanyang Women's College, Seoul, Korea.
  • 5Department of Dental Hygiene, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.


We tried to develop itemized evaluation criteria and a clinical rater qualification system through rating training of inter-rater consistency for experienced clinical dental hygienists and dental hygiene clinical educators. A total of 15 clinical dental hygienists with 1-year careers participated as clinical examination candidates, while 5 dental hygienists with 3-year educations and clinical careers or longer participated as clinical raters. They all took the clinical examination as examinees. The results were compared, and the consistency of competence was measured. The comparison of clinical competence between candidates and clinical raters showed that the candidate group's mean clinical competence ranged from 2.96 to 3.55 on a 5-point system in a total of 3 instruments (Probe, Explorer, Curet), while the clinical rater group's mean clinical competence ranged from 4.05 to 4.29. There was a higher inter-rater consistency after education of raters in the following 4 items: Probe, Explorer, Curet, and insertion on distal surface. The mean score distribution of clinical raters ranged from 75% to 100%, which was more uniform in the competence to detect an artificial calculus than that of candidates (25% to 100%). According to the above results, there was a necessity in the operating clinical rater qualification system for comprehensive dental hygiene clinicians. Furthermore, in order to execute the clinical rater qualification system, it will be necessary to keep conducting a series of studies on educational content, time, frequency, and educator level.


Clinical competence; Evaluation; Criteria; Item; Difficulty; Inter-rater consistency

MeSH Terms

Clinical Competence
Dental Hygienists
Mental Competency
Oral Hygiene*


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