J Periodontal Implant Sci.  2021 Oct;51(5):298-315. 10.5051/jpis.2005080254.

The effects of physical decontamination methods on zirconia implant surfaces: a systematic review

  • 1College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, Smithfield, Australia
  • 2College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Smithfield, Australia
  • 3College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University, Smithfield, Australia
  • 4Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Smithfield, Australia


Peri-implantitis therapy and implant maintenance are fundamental practices to enhance the longevity of zirconia implants. However, the use of physical decontamination methods, including hand instruments, polishing devices, ultrasonic scalers, and laser systems, might damage the implant surfaces. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effects of physical decontamination methods on zirconia implant surfaces.
A systematic search was conducted using 5 electronic databases: Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane. Hand searching of the OpenGrey database, reference lists, and 6 selected dental journals was also performed to identify relevant studies satisfying the eligibility criteria.
Overall, 1049 unique studies were identified, of which 11 studies were deemed suitable for final review. Air-abrasive devices with glycine powder, prophylaxis cups, and ultrasonic scalers with non-metal tips were found to cause minimal to no damage to implantgrade zirconia surfaces. However, hand instruments and ultrasonic scalers with metal tips have the potential to cause major damage to zirconia surfaces. In terms of laser systems, diode lasers appear to be the most promising, as no surface alterations were reported following their use.
Air-abrasive devices and prophylaxis cups are safe for zirconia implant decontamination due to preservation of the implant surface integrity. In contrast, hand instruments and ultrasonic scalers with metal tips should be used with caution. Recommendations for the use of laser systems could not be fully established due to significant heterogeneity among included studies, but diode lasers may be the best-suited system. Further research—specifically, randomised controlled trials—would further confirm the effects of physical decontamination methods in a clinical setting.


Dental implants; Decontamination; Dental instruments; Surface properties; Zirconium
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