J Korean Acad Prosthodont.  2019 Oct;57(4):328-334. 10.4047/jkap.2019.57.4.328.

The effects of saline soaking on the removal torque of titanium implants in rabbit tibia after 10 days

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea. sungamcho@naver.com


The aim of this study was to confirm if Laser-treated implants were soaked in 0.9% NaCl solution for 2 weeks could increase the surface hydrophilicity, and the Remoal Torque of each implant that inserted in rabbit tibia for initial healing period of 10 days.
Twenty machined titanium surface screws were produced with a diameter 3 mm, length 8 mm. Ten screws had their surface treated with a laser only (laser treated group), and the other 10 were soaked in saline for 2 weeks after surface treatment with a laser (laser treated + saline soaked group). Implants were inserted in rabbit tibia (ten adult New Zealand white rabbits), and the RTQ of each implant was measured after 10 days. The wettability among implants was compared by measuring the contact angle. Surface composition and surface topography were analyzed.
After 10 days, the laser treat + soaking group implants had a significantly higher mean RTQ than the laser treated implants (P = .002, < .05). There were no significant morphological differences between groups, and no remarkable differences were found between the two groups in the SEM analysis.
Saline soaking implants is expected to produce excellent RTQ and surface analysis results.


Implant; Laser; Removal torque; NaCl; Wettability

MeSH Terms

Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions
New Zealand


  • Fig. 1 Scanning electron microscopy of implant surfaces. There is no difference between the control group (B, D and F) and experimental group (A, C and E). A and B (original magnification 200×), C and D (original magnification 1,000×) and E and F (original magnification 2,000×).

  • Fig. 2 Surface roughness. (A) CSM: mean surface roughness (SRz: 100 × 100 µm area): 57.869 µm, (B) CSM saline: mean surface roughness (SRz: 100 × 100 µm area): 59.108 µm. There is no significant difference in surface roughness measurements between the experimental and control groups.

  • Fig. 3 Contact angle. (A) Control group − contact angle: 134.9∼, (B) Experimental group − contact angle: 50.5∼.


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