J Korean Clin Nurs Res.  2019 Apr;25(1):43-54. 10.22650/JKCNR.2019.25.1.43.

Knowledge and Compliance with Blood-Borne Pathogen Prevention of Hospital Nurses: Based on Clinical Experience

  • 1Doctoral Student, College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University, Korea.
  • 2RN, Department of Nursing, Samsung Medical Center, Korea. linkmi@hanmail.net


Exposure to blood and body fluids represents a significant occupational risk for nurses. This study was done to identify the level of knowledge of and compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention of hospital nurses according to clinical experience, and to identify factors affecting compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention.
A descriptive correlational study was conducted in which self-reported knowledge of and compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention was assessed. The relationships between variables were examined. Registered nurses who were employed (n=345) were surveyed. Data were analyzed using, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression.
Nurses with more than 5 years experience had greater knowledge of blood-borne pathogen prevention than nurses with less than 5 years experience. However, there was no significant difference in compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention between the two groups. No significant correlation was found between knowledge and compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention according to experience standards. In nurses with less than 5 years experience, gender, age, reported exposure to a blood-borne pathogen, and compliance with principles of prevention had a significant impact on compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention. For nurses with more than 5 years experience, reporting after exposure to blood-borne pathogen was a contributing factor to compliance with blood-borne pathogen prevention.
The study results show that to improve the implementation of preventive measures against blood-borne pathogens different strategies are needed, depending on clinical experience of the nurses.


Blood-Borne Pathogens; Career Ladders; Compliance; Nurses; Knowledge

MeSH Terms

Blood-Borne Pathogens*
Body Fluids
Career Mobility
Linear Models
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