J Nutr Health.  2018 Aug;51(4):307-315. 10.4163/jnh.2018.51.4.307.

Effect of nutrition care process-based nutrition intervention on improvement of intake in the elderly in-patients with malnutrition

  • 1Dietary Team, Daegu Fatima Hospital, Daegu 41199, Korea.
  • 2Department of Food and Nutrition, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 38541, Korea. jsseo@ynu.ac.kr


This study evaluated the effects of personalized nutrition intervention for increasing hospital meal intake by elderly patients with malnutrition.
The subjects were 30 elderly patients with malnutrition who visited a general hospital located in Daegu. An individual nutrition intervention such as change of meal types or special meal service was given to the patients according to nutrition diagnosis related to inadequate intake of hospital meals. Nutritional intake status of the subjects was assessed by analyzing energy intake, protein intake, index of nutritional quality (INQ), nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR).
The causes of inadequate intake in the subjects were poor appetite or preference problems (46.7%), symptom-related problems (30.0%) and mastication problems (23.3%). The INQ of protein in the subjects was significantly increased from 0.81 ±0.17 to 1.41 ±0.25 after the nutrition intervention (p < 0.05). The NAR of protein (before 0.50 ±0.21, after 0.58 ±0.17), iron (before 0.72 ±0.30, after 0.84 ±0.29) and vitamin B2 (before 0.31 ±0.16, after 0.37 ±0.14) was also increased after the nutrition intervention (p < 0.05). The MAR of five nutrients, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin B2, was significantly increased by the nutrition intervention (p < 0.05).
Personalized nutrition intervention according to nutrition diagnosis related to inadequate intake of hospital meals may improve the intake amount of elderly patients with malnutrition.


malnutrition; elderly patient; nutrition intervention; hospital foodservice

MeSH Terms

Energy Intake
Hospitals, General
Nutritive Value
Vitamin A
Vitamin A



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