J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2017 Jun;23(3):229-238. 10.11111/jkana.2017.23.3.229.

Comparative Analysis Research of Inpatient Satisfaction with Nursing on Comprehensive Nursing Service Units & General Units and Nurses' Work Stress

  • 1Department of Nursing, Inje University, Korea. doya0707@naver.com


The purpose of this study was to provide basic research material necessary for the establishment of comprehensive nursing service units, through a comparative analysis of inpatient satisfaction with nursing between comprehensive nursing service and general units and the work stress of nurses.
The survey participants were inpatients and nurses from 3 general hospitals in Busan, including 6 units, 123 nurses and 220 patients. Date collection was done through March and April 2016. Collected data were analyzed using test and independent t-test with SPSS 23 Win program.
Inpatients on comprehensive nursing service units had higher scores for satisfaction than inpatients on general units. There was no statistically significant difference in nurses' work stress between the two types of units.
The findings indicate that although inpatient satisfaction with comprehensive nursing service units is higher than for general units, work stress for nurses is comparatively high for both types of units. While it is necessary to expand the implementation of comprehensive nursing service units, an institutional strategy for reducing nurses' work stress is required if the expansion is to be successful.


Comprehensive nursing service; Nursing satisfaction; Work stress

MeSH Terms

Hospitals, General
Nursing Services*


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