J Periodontal Implant Sci.  2013 Dec;43(6):262-268.

Photobiomodulation and implants: implications for dentistry

  • 1Cell Regulation and Control Unit, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. praveen.arany@nih.gov


The use of dental implants has become a mainstay of rehabilitative and restorative dentistry. With an impressive clinical success rate, there remain a few minor clinical issues with the use of implants such as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. The use of laser technology with implants has a fascinating breadth of applications, beginning from their precision manufacturing to clinical uses for surgical site preparation, reducing pain and inflammation, and promoting osseointegration and tissue regeneration. This latter aspect is the focus of this review, which outlines various studies of implants and laser therapy in animal models. The use of low level light therapy or photobiomodulation has demonstrated its efficacy in these studies. Besides more research studies to understand its molecular mechanisms, significant efforts are needed to standardize the clinical dosing and delivery protocols for laser therapy to ensure the maximal efficacy and safety of this potent clinical tool for photobiomodulation.


Dental implants; Low-level laser therapy; Peri-implantitis; Phototherapy

MeSH Terms

Dental Implants
Laser Therapy
Low-Level Light Therapy
Models, Animal
Dental Implants


  • Figure 1 Applications in implant dentistry including both manufacturing and clinical uses of lasers.

  • Figure 2 Flow chart of literature search: studies involving laser treatment on implants using in vivo models. LLLT: low-level laser therapy.


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