J Korean Child Neurol Soc.  2010 May;18(1):49-57.

Assessment of Children with Developmental Delay: Korean-Ages & Stages Questionnaires(K-ASQ) and Bayley Scales of Infant Development test II(BSID-II)

  • 1Department of Pediatrics, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. kimjk@cu.ac.kr


Ages & Stages Questionnaires (K-ASQ, parents report of developmental skills) was used as a screening tool for detecting infant and young children with developmental disorder in National Health Screening Program. This study was designed for validating the effectiveness of K-ASQ in the assessment of children with developmental delay.
One hundred twenty-nine children(male: 94, female: 35, age: 8-39 months) with suspected developmental delay, who visited the department of Pediatrics in Catholic University of Daegu Hospital from January 2008 to August 2009 were enrolled. They were classified into three groups according to Mental Developmental Index of Bayley Scales of Infant Development test II(BSID II)(Group I: MDI <70: significant delay, Group II: MDI 70-85: mild delay, Group III: MDI > or =85: within normal range), and compared with the result of K-ASQ.
Group I was eighty-one children. Group II was thirty-eight children. The scores of eighty children of Group I and thirty-three children of Group II fall below a given cut off score in one or more domains in K-ASQ. One child's score of group I didn't fall below a given cut off score but was adjacent to a given cut off score. Five children's scores of group II didn't fall below a given cut off score. Only three children's score of these five were adjacent to a given cut off score.
There was relatively high correlation between the results of K-ASQ and BSID-II for infants and children with developmental delay. Our results suggest that the referral for further developmental evaluation is recommended if the scores showed below or adjacent to a given cut off score in any domain in K-ASQ.


Korean-ages & stages questionnaires; Bayley scales of infant development test II

MeSH Terms

Child Development
Mass Screening
Surveys and Questionnaires
Referral and Consultation
Weights and Measures
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