J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2011 Dec;17(4):474-483.

Affecting Factors of Nurses' Burnout in Secondary General Hospitals

  • 1Department of Nursing, Hoseo University, Korea.
  • 2Department of Nursing, Korean Bible University, Korea.
  • 3Department of Nursing, Gachon University, Korea. jschoi408@empal.com


This study was conducted to identify factors affecting nurses' burnout in secondary general hospitals.
Data were collected through structured questionnaires from 241 nurses working at the secondary general hospitals with below 400 beds in the P, C, and S city between April and May, 2009. Data analysis was done with independent t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple stepwise multiple regression with SPSS WIN v 17.0.
Burnout was significantly different according to religion, age, clinical experiences, and shift work. Burnout score of the subjects was 58/100. Burnout of the subjects were positively correlated with job stress and negatively correlated with hardness, self efficiency, self esteem, spiritual wellbeing, social support, and job satisfaction. The explained variances for burnout was 51.8% and factors affecting nurses' burnout in secondary general hospitals were job stress, hardness, self efficiency, job satisfaction and shift work.
These results showed the significant factors fo nurses' burnout in secondary general hospitals. These findings can be utilized to development of strategies for reducing job stress and enhancing hardness, self efficiency and job satisfaction.


Burnout; Nurses; Job stress; Hardness; Self efficiency

MeSH Terms

Hospitals, General
Job Satisfaction
Surveys and Questionnaires
Self Concept
Statistics as Topic


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