Tuberc Respir Dis.  2011 Jun;70(6):516-520.

A Case of Endobronchial Carcinoid Tumor Treated by Flexible Bronchoscopic Resection

  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea.


Bronchial carcinoid tumor accounts for less than 5% of all primary lung tumors in adults. Although surgical resection is the treatment of choice, here we report a case of bronchial carcinoid tumor treated with flexible bronchoscopic resection. A 19-year-old-man presented with a history of wheezing with dyspnea for six months. A simple chest x-ray showed no abnormal findings, but a pulmonary function test showed a moderate obstructive lung disease pattern without a bronchodilator response. A computed tomogram of the thorax revealed an enhanced 15x12 mm nodule in the left main bronchus. Bronchoscopic examination showed a polypoid mass with a stalk in the left main bronchus, which almost completely occluded the left main bronchus. Histopathology of the resected specimen revealed a bronchial carcinoid tumor. We treated the carcinoid tumor with a flexible bronchoscopic resection. During the follow up period of 6 months, the previous tumor didn't relapse. Initial bronchoscopic resection should be considered when bronchial carcinoid tumor can be approached by bronchoscopy.


Carcinoid Tumor; therapy; Bronchoscopy; Bronchoscopic Surgical Procedures

MeSH Terms

Carcinoid Tumor
Follow-Up Studies
Lung Diseases, Obstructive
Respiratory Function Tests
Respiratory Sounds


  • Figure 1 (A) Enhanced CT scan of thorax show a round, well defined, endobronchial mass in the left main bronchus. (B) Enhanced CT scan of thorax show a round, well defined, endobronchial mass in the left main bronchus. CT: computed tomography.

  • Figure 2 (A) Bronchoscopic finding in the left main bronchus show a smooth, rounded, reddish pedunculated mass. (B) After pedunculated mass resected by bronchoscopy, base of tumor showed irregular surface, and then laser cauterization has be done.

  • Figure 3 (A) Tumor cells show group in a glandular configuration. Nuclei of the tumor cells are round and uniform without mitosis or necrosis (H&E stain ×400). Synaptophysin positive (B, ×100) & chromogranin A positive on immunohistochemical staining (C, ×100).

  • Figure 4 After bronchoscopic resection, 6-month follow-up thorax CT (A) and bronchoscopy (B) findings show no evidence of recurrence of endobronchial carcinoid tumor.


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