Sleep Med Psychophysiol.
1996 Jun;3(1):15-24.
REM Sleep and Memory
- Affiliations
- 1Deparment of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Dong-a University, Pusan, Korea.
After rapid eye movement(REM) sleep was idenified in 1953, a lively interest developed concerning a possible role of this kind of sleep in memory processes. The author reviewed studies relating REM to memory/learning. Many studies in animals and humans gave substantial evidence for relating REM sleep to memory function. The evidence supporting the position taken in this paper comes from experiments showing that : (1) learning session is followed by the significant augmentation of REM sleep : (2) REM sleep deprivation, prior to learning or immediately thereafter, impairs the formation of a permanent memory/learning (3) there is a vulnerable period of time(eg, REM sleep "window") following succussful learning, during which REM sleep deprivation results in memory impairment : (4) theta rhythm which develops during REM sleep induces long-term potentiation in hippocampus (5) there are some evidences providing the relationship of neurotransmitter systems to the maintenance of REM sleep and memory storage processes.