Korean J Dermatol.  1998 Oct;36(5):796-803.

An Immunohistochemical Stain in Paget's Disease


BACKGROUND: Generally, there are few problems in the diagnosis of Paget's disease(PD) using the H&E stain. However, the differentiation of PD from the clonal type of Bowens disease and superficial spreading melanoma in situ that shows pagetoid spreading of tumor cells, may present diagnostic difficulties. In addition, the specia1 stains used for demonstrating the presenee of Pagets cells, such as PAS and mucicarmim, are non-specific and not always sensitive. So, inenunohistochemical stains with monoclonal antibodies against various antigens may be helpful for differentiating PD from ather morphologically similar skin lesions.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of immunohisto- chemical staining for diagnostic use in PD.
Immunohistochemical stains used in the biotin streptavidin amplificxl technique with monoclonal antibodies to several low rnolecular weight cytokeratin(CK)s, EMA and CEA, were performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Twelve cases of PD(10 cases of extranmmmary PD and 2 cases of mammary PD), five cases of superficial spreading melanoma in situ and five cases of Bowens disease were investigated.
The results were as follows. 1. Positive reactions with variable intensity using CK7, CKS, CK19 were seen in all cases(100%) of PD and the. staining intensity tor CK7 or CK19 was stronger than that of CKS. 2. Of the 12 cases of PD, both CK18 and CAM5.2 staining showed positivity in 11 cases(92%). 3. EMA and CEA staining showed positivity in 10(83%) and 9(75%) of 12 cases, respectively. 4. Some Pagets cells were negative for CK8, CK18 and EMA, although other positive cells were observed in the same sections. 5. All antigens were consistently negative in all cases of Bowens disease and superficial spreading melanoma in situ.
The results show that moaoclonal antibodies to low molecular weight CKs are more sensitive than EMA or CEA in the demonstration of Pagets cells. Moreover, among the low molecular weight CK series, CK7 and CK19 are most useful for their high sensitivity and intensity.

MeSH Terms

Antibodies, Monoclonal
Bowen's Disease
Coloring Agents
Molecular Weight
Antibodies, Monoclonal
Coloring Agents
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