J Asthma Allergy Clin Immunol.
1998 Jun;18(2):308-315.
Bronchial hyperrseponsiveness to methacholine in allergic rhinitics
sensitized to house dust mites
BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis is often associated with bronchial asthma, and intranasal
treatment with topical corticosteroids reduces bronchial responsiveness.
In this study, it was evaluated that the bronchial responsiveness to
methacholine increased in non-asthmatic adults with house dust mites (HDM)-sensitive
allergic rhinitis compared to those without, chronic nasal symptoms.
A questionnaire, skin prick t,est to common inhalant allergens,
and methacholine bronchial provocation test (MBPT) were performed in a total of 216
subjects, who were composed of 40 non-asthmatic subjects with HDM-sensitive allergic
rhinitis (HAR), 63 HDM-sensitive subjects without nasal symptoms (HS), and 113 non-atopic
subjects without nasal symptoms (NHS). The bronchial responsiveness was evaluated by
positive rate of MBPT (PC,-methacholine200mg/ml), provocative concentration of methacholine
at which FEV, decline to 15% compared to baseline value (PC,-methacholine), and slope
of dose-response curve (%fall of FEV, / log[last concentrat,ion of methacholine, mg/ml]).
Positive rate of MBPT was significantly increased in HAR than in HS and NHS, and
there was no difference between HS and NHS (77.9% vs. 50.7% vs. 38.0%).
Log PC[5- methacholine was lower in HAR than in HS and NHS, and lower in HS than in
NHS (mean+ SE, 1.568+0.126 vs. 2.05+0.085 vs. 2.277+0.047). Slope of dose-response curve
was higher in HAR than in HS and NHS, and there was no difference bet,ween HS and NHS
(mean+SE, 22.7 + 11.3 vs. 7.3+ 1.2 vs. 4.9+ 0.5%/mg/ml);
In non-asthmatic adults with HDM-sensitive allergic rhinitis, the bronchial
responsiveness to methacholine increased compared to those without chronic rhinitis.