Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol.  2004 Mar;34(1):7-12.

A study of incisive canal using a cone beam computed tomography

  • 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea. hehan@khu.ac.kr


To investigate the anatomical structure of the incisive canal radiographically by a cone beam computed tomography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 38 persons (male 26, female 12) were chosen to take images of maxillary anterior region in dental CT mode using a cone beam computed tomography. The tube voltage were 65, 67, and 70 kVp, the tube current was 7 mA, and the exposure time was 13.3 seconds. The FH plane of each person was parallel to the floor. The images were analysed on the CRT display. RESULTS: The mean length of incisive canal was 15.87mm+/-2.92. The mean diameter at the side of palate and nasal fossa were 3.49 mm+/-0.76 and 3.89 mm+/-1.06, respectively. In the cross-sectional shape of incisive canal, 50% were round, 34.2% were ovoid, and 15.8% were lobulated. 87% of incisive canal at the side of nasal fossa have one canal, 10.4% have two canals, and 2.6% have three canals, but these canals were merged into one canal in the middle portion of palate. The mean angles of the long axis of incisive canal and central incisor to the FH plane were 110.3.+/-6.96 and 117.45.+/-7.41, respectively. The angles of the long axis of incisive canal and central incisor to the FH plane were least correlated (r = 0.258). CONCLUSION: This experiment suggests that a cone beam computed radiography will be helpful in surgery or implantation on the maxillary incisive area.


Tomography, X-ray Computed; Radiography, Dental; Incisive Canal

MeSH Terms

Axis, Cervical Vertebra
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography*
Radiography, Dental
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
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