Korean J Dermatol.  1985 Oct;23(5):607-619.

A Study on the Quantitation of the Peripheral Blood T Lymphocytes and T Sebsets in Patients with Psoriasis by Moncolonal Antibodies


The study was undertaken to clarify any quantitative abnormalities in peripheral blood T lymphocytes and T subsets, mediating cell meliated immunity, and the presence of any relation between the degree of quantitative abnormalities and extent of skin lesions and activity of disease in patients with psoriasis by monoclonal antibodies. The results were as follows. 1. Mean percentages of total and suppressor T lymphocytes in 39 patients with psoriasis are significantly decreased as compared with those in 32 controls. Mean ratio of percentage of helper T lymphocytes to that of suppressor Tlymphocytes in 39 patients with psoriasis are significantly increased as compared with that in 32 controls. 2, As classified into three groups according to extent of skin lesions (E: less than 5% E,: 5-30%, and E,: more than 30%), mean pereentages of total T lymphocytes in E, and E, psoriasis group and those of suppressor T lymphocytes in all three psoriasi., groups are significantly decreased as compared with those in controIs. Mean percentages of helper T lymphor,ytes in L psoriasis group and mean ratios of percentage of helper T lymphocytes to that of suppressor T lymphocytes in E, and E, psoriasis groups are significantly increased as compared with those in controls. 3. Cis classified into three groups according to activity of disease (A,: stationary, A,: active, peripherally spreading and A,: active, small papules spreading), mean percentage of total T lymphocytes in peripheral blood lymphocytes in A, psoriasis group and those of suppressor T lymphocytes in all three psoriasis group are significantly decreased as compared with those in controls. Mean percentages of helper T lymphocytes and mean ratios of percentage if helper T lymphocytes to that of suppressor T lymphocytes in A, and A, psorixsis groups are significantly increased as compared with those in controls. These results clarified that there are quantitative abnormalities in peripheral blood I' lymphocytes and T subsets in patients with psoriasis and the degrees of abnorrnalities are related to extent of skin lesions and activity of disease. The aanorrnalities in peri.pheral blood T lymphocytes and T subsets in patients with psoriasis seem to be attributed to primary defect of suppressor T lymphoytes.


Psoriasis; T lymphocytes and T subsets; Extent; Activity; Monoclonal antibody

MeSH Terms

Antibodies, Monoclonal
Antibodies, Monoclonal
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