J Korean Radiol Soc.  1998 Mar;38(3):403-410. 10.3348/jkrs.1998.38.3.403.

Brain MRI Findings of Welders: High Signal Intensity in T1W1 Secondary to Manganese Exposure

  • 1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Sunlin Presbyterian Hospital.
  • 2Department of Occupational medicine, Sunlin Presbyterian Hospital.
  • 3Department of Neurology, Sunlin Presbyterian Hospital.
  • 4Department of Preventive medicine, Medical College, Dongguk University.


PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical and brain MRI findings of welders and to determine the utility of MRI inthe assessment of occupational manganese exposure
Eighteen welders, working non-regularly,and three of their wives were examined. Clinical, neurologic and brain MRI findings were retrospectively analyzed.Blood manganese(Mn), urine Mn, serum iron(Fe) and blood cadmium (Cd) were measured. The mean period of exposurewas 16(7-32) years. High signal intensity of the globus pallidus(GP). as seem on T1-Weighted images(T1WI), wasgraded as follows : Grade 1, when its signal intensity (SI) was slighty higher than that of frontal subcorticalwhite matter; Grade 3, when the SI of GP was as high as that of subcutaneous fat ; and grade 2 for intermediatecases. We calculated the pallidal index (SI of GP/SI of frontal subcortical white matter) and correlated this withblood and urine Mn levels.
All welders complained of fatigue, headache, anorexia, and decreased libido.The palmomental reflex was positive in five(28%), Myerson's sign in four(22%), and intention tremor in three(17%).Mean blood Mn was 5.18(range, 1.77-9.34)microgram/dl, mean urine Mn was 5.84(range, 1.07-22/microgram/l, serum Fe was elevatedin one welder, and serum Cd in two. T1WI of brain MRI revealed high signal intensities in the globus pallidus, theputamen, the substantia nigra, the tectum, the caudate nucleus, the subthalamic nucleus, the hypothlamus along theextrapyramidal tract, and the pituitary gland. T2WI of brain MRI revealed no significant signal change. PI and GPgrading showed good correlation(kappa=0.60). Blood Mn correlated closely with the pallidal index(Rs=0.48, P=0.046),but there was no correlation between urine Mn and the pallidal index(Rs=0.1>0.05).
T1WI of brain MRIin welders showed high signal intensities in the globus pallidus, the putamen, the tectum, the caudate nucleus,the subthalamic nucleus, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. These intensities correlated closely with bloodMn levels, suggesting their potential role in estimating the accumulation of Mn in the brain.


Brain, MR; Manganese

MeSH Terms

Caudate Nucleus
Globus Pallidus
Magnetic Resonance Imaging*
Pituitary Gland
Retrospective Studies
Subcutaneous Fat
Substantia Nigra
Subthalamic Nucleus


  • Fig. 1. Grading of high signal intensity of the globus pallidus on Tl- weighted MR image A. Axial Tl-weighted MR image (T1WI) (600/25) shows signal intensity of globus pallidus slightly higher than that of the frontal subcortical white matter (grade 1) B. Axial T1WI (600/25) shows high signal intensity of the globus pallidus similar to that of the subcutaneous fat(grade 3).

  • Fig. 2. Brain MRI of a welder with 12 years’ exposure to manganese with headache and fatigue A. Axial T1WI (600/25! shows symmetrical hyperintensities in the globus pallidus(grade 3) and the pu- tamen(grade 2). The caudate nucleus and the thalamus exhibit normal signal intensity. B. Axial T1WI (600/25) shows symmetrical hyperintensities in bilateral substantia nigra(grade 2). C. Sagittal T1WI (600/25) shows hyperintensity of the entire pituitary gland(grade 3), the hypothala- mus(grade 2), the subthalamic nu- cleus(grade 2), and the midbrain tectum(grade 2). D. Axial T2WI (2300/90) shows no evidence of significant signal change in any areas.

  • Fig. 3. Disappearance of high signal intensity after cessation of welder's work. Initial axial TlWIs (A, B) (600/20) in a welder with 10 years’ exposure history shows symmetrical grade 2 hyperintensity in the globus pallidus and grade 1 hyperintensity in the putamen(A), and grade 2 hyperintensity in the substantia nigra(B). Follow-up axial TlWIs (C, D) (600/ 20) obtained 7 months after withdrawal from exposure to manganese without medical treatment reveal near complete disappearance of high signal intensities in the globus pallidus, the putamen(C), and the midbrain(D). Blood level of manganese also decreased.

  • Fig. 4. Number of cases by grading of signal intensity in each region.

  • Fig. 5. Correlation between pallidal index and blood and urine manganese levels. A. Pallidal index is significantly correlated with blood manganese level(Spearmann rank correlation coefficient of 0.48) (Rs=0.48, P=0.046). B. Pallidal index does not show significant correlation with urinary manganese level(Spearmann rank correlation coefficient of 0.10)(Rs=0.10, Ρ) 0.05).


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