Neurointervention.  2013 Feb;8(1):23-28. 10.5469/neuroint.2013.8.1.23.

Computational Modeling with Fluid-Structure Interaction of the Severe M1 Stenosis Before and After Stenting

  • 1Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea.
  • 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dankook University, Korea.


Image-based computational models with fluid-structure interaction (FSI) can be used to perform plaque mechanical analysis in intracranial artery stenosis. We described a process in FSI study applied to symptomatic severe intracranial (M1) stenosis before and after stenting.
Reconstructed 3D angiography in STL format was transferred to Magics for smoothing of vessel surface and trimming of branch vessels and to HyperMesh for generating tetra volume mesh from triangular surface-meshed 3D angiogram. Computational analysis of blood flow in the blood vessels was performed using the commercial finite element software ADINA Ver 8.5. The distribution of wall shear stress (WSS), peak velocity and pressure was analyzed before and after intracranial stenting.
The wall shear stress distributions from Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation with rigid wall assumption as well as FSI simulation before and after stenting could be compared. The difference of WSS between rigid wall and compliant wall model both in pre- and post-stent case is only minor except at the stenosis region. These WSS values were greatly reduced after stenting to 15~20 Pa at systole and 3~5 Pa at end-diastole in CFD simulation, which are similar in FSI simulations.
Our study revealed that FSI simulation before and after intracranial stenting was feasible despite of limited vessel wall dimension and could reveal change of WSS as well as flow velocity and wall pressure.


Cerebral artery; Atherosclerosis; Stenting; Computational modeling; Fluid structure interaction

MeSH Terms

Blood Vessels
Cerebral Arteries
Constriction, Pathologic


  • Fig. 1 Analysis process for computational fluid dynamic approach.

  • Fig. 2 Computational model for FSI in the severe M1 stenosis. Angiograms before (A) and after (B) stenting show relieved severe stenosis of the right M1 and normalization of decreased size and filling of the right MCA branches after stenting. Different material components were assumed for the stented and non-stented vessel in (B).

  • Fig. 3 Wall shear stress distributions before and after stent implantation.

  • Fig. 4 Solid stress (Von Mises stress) distributions before and after stent implantation.

Cited by  1 articles

Computational Fluid Dynamics of Intracranial and Extracranal Arteries using 3-Dimensional Angiography: Technical Considerations with Physician's Point of View
Sung-Tae Park, Kyunghwan Yoon, Young Bae Ko, Dae Chul Suh
Neurointervention. 2013;8(2):92-100.    doi: 10.5469/neuroint.2013.8.2.92.


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