Anat Cell Biol.  2013 Mar;46(1):68-78. 10.5115/acb.2013.46.1.68.

Expression of transient receptor potential channels in the ependymal cells of the developing rat brain

  • 1Department of Neurology, Gangneung Asan Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Gangneung, Korea.
  • 2Department of Anatomy, Kwandong University College of Medicine, Gangneung, Korea.
  • 3Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) plays an important role in providing brain tissue with a stable internal environment as well as in absorbing mechanical and thermal stresses. From its initial composition, derived from the amniotic fluid trapped by the closure of neuropores, CSF is modified by developing and differentiating ependymal cells lining the ventricular surface or forming the choroid plexus. Its osmolarity and ionic composition brings about a change through the action of many channels expressed on the ependymal cells. Some newly discovered transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are known to be expressed in the choroid plexus ependyma. To detect additional TRP channel expression, immunohistochemical screening was performed at the choroid plexus of 13-, 15-, 17-, and 19-day embryos, using antibodies against TRPV1, TRPV3, and TRPA1, and the expression was compared with those in the adult TRP channels. The level of TRP channel expression was higher in the choroid plexus which suggests more active functioning of TRP channels in the developing choroid plexus than the ventricular lining ependyma in the 15- and 17-day embryos. All the expression of TRP channels decreased at the 19th day of gestation. TRPA1 was expressed at a higher level than TRPV1 and TRPV3 in almost all stages in both the choroid plexus and ventricular lining epithelium. The highest level of TRPV1 and TRPV3 expression was observed in association with the glycogen deposits in the cytoplasm of the choroid plexus ependymal cells of the 15- and 17-day embryos.


Ependyma; Choroid plexus; Transient receptor potential channels; Embryonic development

MeSH Terms

Amniotic Fluid
Choroid Plexus
Embryonic Development
Embryonic Structures
Mass Screening
Osmolar Concentration
Transient Receptor Potential Channels
Transient Receptor Potential Channels


  • Fig. 1 Telencephalic and rhombencephalic vesicles of the 13-day rat embryo. (A) Horizontal section of the developing telencephalon just above the level of the interventricular foramen. In the magnified view of the area (B) demarcated within a rectangle in (A), weakly TRPV1-positive neuroepithelial cells are noted (arrows). Identical regions with same magnification with B, show the weakly TRPV3-positive (C, 1:200, arrows), and TRPA1-positive cells (D, 1:800, arrows), respectively. (E) TRPV3-positive (1:400, arrows) neuroepithelial cells formed a single-layered posterior wall of the rhombencephalic vesicle. These cells also showed the immunopositivity against TRPV1 and TRPA1. (F) The transitional region from the posterior wall on the right to the anterior wall on the left in the rhombencephalon. The sulcus limitans (open arrowhead) was not well demarcated. TRPA1-positive cells (1:800, filled arrows) formed the posterior wall of rhombencephalon while neuroepithelial cells lining the anterior wall did not show immunoreactivity against TRPA1 (open arrow). Scale bar in (A)=100 µm; in (B)=100 µm (B-F).

  • Fig. 2 Ventricular lining ependyma (VLE) from the 15-day rat embryo to the adult. In VLE of the fourth ventricle of the 15-day embryo, a diverse pattern of TRPV1 (A), TRPV3 (B), and TRPA1 (C, D) expression was noted. The expression of TRPA1 was strongest, followed by TRPV3 and that of TRPV1 was weakest. In this stage, the immunopositivity was generally observed in the apical cytoplasm. A regional difference in the expression pattern of TRPA1 in the VLE lining the developing lateral ventricles (LV) was shown in (D). Moderately TRPA1-positive VLE cells (arrowheads) covered the growing basal ganglia (BG). In the VLE of the 17-day embryo, both TRPV1-(E) and TRPV3-immunoreactivity were weak, while TRPA1-reactivity was moderate (F). The expression of all 3 TRP channels decreased in the 19-day embryo showing a weak reactivity against TRPV3 (G) and TRPA1 (H). In the adult, VLE showed a moderate level of expression of TRPV3 and TRPA1 (I). Scale bar in (A)=50 µm (A-I).

  • Fig. 3 Choroid plexus ependyma (CPE) in the 15- and 17-day rat embryos. Immunohistochemical staining result using antibodies against TRPV1 (A, D), TRPV3 (B, E), and TRPA1 (C, F) in the 15-day (A-C) and the 17-day (D-F) embryos. In the stroma of the 15-day series, blood vessels were not fully developed, while those of the 17-day showed large vascular lumina filled with red blood corpuscles. In the 15-day embryo glycogen droplets with oval outline began to develop accompanied with strong immunoreactivity against TRPV1 (A, arrows) and TRPV3 (B, arrows) around their periphery. These glycogen inclusions enlarged in the next series, the 17-day embryo, but lost their expression of TRPV1 (D, open arrowheads). They retained the expression of TRPV3 (E, arrows) but the immunoreactivity was found not only at the periphery of glycogen but along the basal membrane of CPE. Glycogen in some CPE show the express TRPV3. TRPA1 was not expressed in relation with the glycogen accumulations but moderate immunopositivity was observed in the apical cytoplasm of some CPE in the 15-day embryo (C, arrowheads), and in the entire cytoplasm in 17-day embryo (F, arrowheads). TRPV1 and TRPV3 were also expressed of some CPE in these stages. Scale bar in (A)=50 µm (A-F).

  • Fig. 4 Choroid plexus ependyma (CPE) in the 19-day rat embryo and in the adult. In the cytoplasm of CPE of the 19-day embryo, TRPV1 was very weakly expressed (A), while TRPV3 (B) and TRPA1 (C, arrowheads) were expressed at a higher level. Due to a dramatic shrinkage of the lateral and the third ventricles, CPE (D, arrowheads) and VLE were in close proximity in the 19-day embryo. Glycogen (D, open arrowheads) occupied a great portion of cytoplasm and a few of the droplets retained the TRPV3 expression around their peripheral cytoplasm (B, arrows). In the adult, there was a moderate degree of TRPV3 and TRPA1 expression in the cytoplasm of CPE (E and F, arrowheads), with a difference in their expression pattern. TRPV3 immunopositivity was observed in most of the CPE having some regions of strong reactivity inside their cytoplasm (E), while some CPE having moderate reactivity to TRPA1 could be recognized. Scale bar in (A)=50 µm (A-F).


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