1994 Mar;14(1):58-66.
The Effects of Nonspecific IgE and IgG Antibodies on Basophil Histamine Release mediated by Specific IgE Antibodies
- Type I hypersensitivity reaction mediated by specific IgE antibodies play an important role in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. To invesitgate the effects of nonspecific IgE and IgG antibodies on the basophil histamine relese mediated by allergen-specific IgE anti-bodies, we studied whether allergen-induced histamine release of basophils from house dust mite sensitive patients is influenced by pre-treatment with nonspecific IgE or IgG antibodies. The results were as followings; 1. Mean net histamine release induced by house dust mite(D. farinae) extract was 48.2%. 2. The pre-treatment with nonspecific IgE or IgG antibody did not influence the net histamine release induced by house dust mite extract.
These results suggest that neither nonspecific IgE nor IgG antibody can exhibit effect on the basophil histamine release from actively sensitized basophils.