Korean J Anesthesiol.  1988 Apr;21(2):313-317. 10.4097/kjae.1988.21.2.313.

Comparison of Edrophonium and Neostigmine for reversal of the effects of Vecuronium

  • 1Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang Unversity, Seoul, Korea.


Until recently edrophonium has not been used in clinical anesthesis because of its short duration of action and poor anticholinesterase activity. However there has been a renewed interest in the use of edrophonium for the reversal of the new intermediate acting relaxants, vecuronium and atracurium, which have a fast spontaneous recovery rate. Edrophonim in sufficient dosages may produce a fast onset of antagonism of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockade with minimal muscarinic side effects. The porpose of this study was therefore to compare the efficiency of edrophonium and neostigmine in reversal of a profound neuromuscular blockad following continuous infusion of vecuronium (0.06 mg/kg/hr). Recovery of T1 and T4 twitch height, change of heart rate and mean arterial pressure were obsered after antagonism with control mixture group (n=10): neostigmine 0.04mg/kg and atropin 0.02 mg/kg, and experimental mixture group (n=9): edrophoninm 0.5mg/kg and atropine 0.007 mg/kg were evaluated respectively at the 10% spontaneous recovery of T1 twitch height. Recovery of T1 was more faster in the edrophonium group than in the neostigmine group but it was significant until 5 minutes after antagonism (p<0.05) and recovery of T4 was also significantly faster in the edrophonium group until 5 minutes after antagonism but thereafter, conversly faster in the neostigmine group than in the edrophonium(p<0.05). Changes of heart rate with +/-5% after edrophonium administration were observed. We conclude that edrophonium provides a more rapid antagonism within 5 minutes after antagonizing vecuronium infusion, and small change in heart rate, but no other any advantage in using edrophomine instead of neostigmine for reversal after 5 minutes.


Reversal effects; Edrophonium; Neostigmine; Vecuronium

MeSH Terms

Arterial Pressure
Heart Rate
Neuromuscular Blockade
Vecuronium Bromide*
Vecuronium Bromide
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