Korean J Dermatol.
1985 Aug;23(4):456-461.
A Study of Combined Methotrexate-UVB Therapy for the Treatment of Psoriasis
- We evaluated the treatment schedule of a 4 week course of methotrexate followed by UVB radiation therapy on 18 patients of generalized psoriasis. The patients received the weekly triple doses of methotrexa,te(MTX), 5 mg given every 12 hours for three doses on weekend for 3 weeks. On 4 th weekend, the doses was halved to 2. 5 mg every 12 hours for three doses, and then stopped. After a 4 week course of methotrexate, total doses 52. 5 mg, UVB treatment was commenced. The results are as follows: 1. 13 patients showed clearing of psoriatic involvolvement over 50, after 4 week course of MTX therapy. 2. Complete clearing of skin lesions was achieved in all 18 patients with the average,"j, 8 times of UVB exposure in trunk and 5 6 times in extremities respect ively. 3. The average dose of UVB exposure at clearance was 187 mJ/cm in trunk lesion and 263. 6 mJ/cm in extremities, The mean cummulative dose of UVB exposure at clearance was 800. 7 mJ/cm in trunk lesion and 994. 3 mJ/cm in extremities. In conculuaion, the brief 4 week course of MTX allows for clearing of psoriasis at relatively low dose of UVR, and thus may reduce the long-term cumrnulative toxicity of both agents.