Korean J Dermatol.
1977 Dec;15(4):431-435.
A Clinical Study on the Effect of Topical Eudyna (Retinic acid) on Acne Vulgaris
- The effect of retinoic acid. on hyperkeratotic diseases and. Acne as being published. To confirm the effect of topical retinoic acid, vre subjected 50 patients with mild to severe Acne vulgaris of the face, The patients chosen were not previously treated. with any remedy at least for the past 2 weeks. Eudyna' cream or gel were applied. once or twice a day to the face keeping some distance from the mucous membrane. We checked the number of closed comedones, open comedones, papules, pustules and scara before the treatment and every week for 14 wks during the treatment, The result were as follows: l. 42 patients began to improve in 2 to 8 wks and markedly improved in 6 to 8 wks. 3 patients dropped out because of severe side effects. Very good: 13 patients(26%) Good: 14 patinets(28%) Satisfactory: 15 patients(80%) None: 5 patients(10%) 2. The side effects: Most of patients suffered from mild to severe erythema, scaling and buming sensation in 2 to 3 days after the initiation of application. In severe cases developed severe erythema, vesicles, pustules, edema and exudation within a week.