J Korean Assoc Pediatr Surg.  2013 Jun;19(1):32-38. 10.13029/jkaps.2013.19.1.32.

Early Experience of Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis in Children with Postoperative Intestinal Obstruction

  • 1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, Daegu, Korea. choi1635@dsmc.or.kr


The purpose of this study is to analyze the early experience of the laparoscopic adhesiolysis for the intestinal obstruction due to postoperative adhesion. Seven patients were included in this study. The median age of those patients was 13, and there were 3 males and 4 females. Previous diagnosis and surgical procedure were various in seven cases, including small bowel resection with tapering enteroplasty, Boix-Ochoa fundopl ication, Ladd's procedure with appendectomy, mesenteric tumor resection with small bowel anastomosis, ileocecal resection and anastomosis, primary gastric repair, and both high ligation. A successful laparoscopic adhesiolysis was performed in one who had high ligation for inguinal hernia and had a single band adhesion. Six out of 7 (86%) cases needed to convert open surgery due to multiple and dense type of adhesion. In conclusion, laparoscopic approach with postoperative small bowel adhesion seems safe. However, it might be prudently considered because of high rates of conversion in children.


Intestinal obstruction; Adhesion; Ileus; Laparoscopy; Children

MeSH Terms

Hernia, Inguinal
Intestinal Obstruction


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