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9 results

Micronutrients and superoxide dismutase in postmenopausal women with chronic periodontitis: a pilot interventional study

Daiya S, Sharma RK, Tewari S, Narula SC, Kumar Sehgal P

PURPOSE: The study was aimed at investigating changes in periodontal parameters and superoxide dismutase activity triggered by root surface debridement with and without micronutrient supplementation in postmenopausal women. METHODS: Forty-three postmenopausal...
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Platelet-rich fibrin along with a modified minimally invasive surgical technique for the treatment of intrabony defects: a randomized clinical trial

Ahmad N, Tewari S, Narula SC, Sharma RK, Tanwar N

PURPOSE: The modified minimally invasive surgical technique (M-MIST) has been successfully employed to achieve periodontal regeneration. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is known to enhance wound healing through the release of growth...
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Aberrant myeloid antigen co-expression is correlated with high percentages of CD34-positive cells among blasts of acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients: an Indian tertiary care center perspective

Sharma RK, Purohit A, Somasundaram V, Mishra PC, Kotru M, Ranjan R, Kumar S, Sazawal S, Pati HP, Tyagi S, Saxena R

BACKGROUND: Aberrant myeloid antigen (MA) co-expression and high expression of CD34 antigen on the blasts of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients are independently reported to have a role in pathogenesis...
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Three-dimensional computer navigation in the reconstruction of complex unilateral orbital fractures: evaluation and review of applications

Saini PS, Kumar R, Saini M, Gupta T, Gaba S, Sharma RK

Background: The eyes are the central aesthetic unit of the face. Maxillofacial trauma can alter facial proportions and affect visual function with varying degrees of severity. Conventional approaches to reconstruction...
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A comparative study of smica in various body fluids of diagnosed cervical cancer patients and healthy women

A.Pachani P, Godbole RR, Kshersagar J, Jagdale R, Gosavi A, Patil S, Sharma Rk, Joshi MG

Objective Cervical cancer (CC) is a major public health problem in women, and its early detection can help reduce morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to compare...
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Impact of iron deficiency anemia on chronic periodontitis and superoxide dismutase activity: a cross-sectional study

Chakraborty S, Tewari S, Sharma RK, Narula SC, Ghalaut PS, Ghalaut V

PURPOSE: Both chronic periodontitis (CP) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) induce oxidative stress in the body and cause an imbalance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase...
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Role of Cytocentrifugation Combined with Nuclear Fast Picroindigocarmine Staining in Detecting Cryptozoospermia in Men Diagnosed with Azoospermia

Sharma RK, Gupta S, Agarwal A, Finelli R, Kuroda S, Saleh R, Boitrelle F, Kavoussi P, Gül M, Tadros N, Ko E, Farkouh A, Henkel R, Arafa M, Rambhatla A, Shah R

Purpose: Azoospermia is defined as the absence of spermatozoa in the pellet of a centrifuged semen sample. In fact, when a basic semen analysis fails to detect sperm in the...
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Sperm Vitality and Necrozoospermia: Diagnosis, Management, and Results of a Global Survey of Clinical Practice

Agarwal A, Sharma RK, Gupta S, Boitrelle F, Finelli R, Parekh N, Durairajanayagam D, Saleh R, Arafa M, Cho CL, Farkouh A, Rambhatla A, Henkel R, Vogiatzi P, Tadros N, Kavoussi P, Ko E, Leisegang K, Kandil H, Palani A, Salvio G, Mostafa T, Rajmil O, Banihani SA, Schon S, Le TV, Birowo P, Çeker G, Alvarez J, Corral Molina JM, Ho CC, Calogero AE, Khalafalla K, Duran MB, Kuroda S, Colpi GM, Zini A, Anagnostopoulou C, Pescatori E, Chung E, Caroppo E, Dimitriadis F, Pinggera GM, Busetto GM, Balercia G, Elbardisi H, Taniguchi H, Park HJ, Rosas IM, Rosette Jdl, Ramsay J, Bowa K, Simopoulou M, Rodriguez MG, Sabbaghian M, Martinez M, Sadighi Gilani MA, Al-Marhoon MS, Kosgi R, Cannarella R, Micic S, Fukuhara S, Parekattil S, Jindal S, Abdel-Meguid TAA, Morimoto Y, Shah R

Sperm vitality testing is a basic semen examination that has been described in the World Health Organization (WHO) Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen from its...
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Post-Vasectomy Semen Analysis: Optimizing Laboratory Procedures and Test Interpretation through a Clinical Audit and Global Survey of Practices

Agarwal A, Gupta S, Sharma RK, Finelli R, Kuroda S, Vij SC, Boitrelle F, Kavoussi P, Rambhatla A, Saleh R, Chung E, Mostafa T, Zini A, Ko E, Parekh N, Martinez M, Arafa M, Tadros N, Rosette Jdl, Le TV, Rajmil O, Kandil H, Blecher G, Liguori G, Caroppo E, Ho CC, Altman A, Bajic P, Goldfarb D, Gill B, Daniel Suslik DS, Molina JMC, Gava MM, Cardoso JPG, Kosgi R, Çeker G, Zilaitiene B, Pescatori E, Borges Jr E, Duarsa GWK, Pinggera GM, Busetto GM, Balercia G, Franco G, Çalik G, Sallam HN, Park HJ, Ramsay J, Alvarez J, Khalafalla K, Bowa K, Hakim L, Simopoulou M, Rodriguez MG, Sabbaghian M, Elbardisi H, Timpano M, Altan M, Elkhouly M, Al-Marhoon MS, Sadighi Gilani MA, Soebadi MA, Nasr-Esfahani MH, Garrido N, Vogiatzi P, Birowo P, Patel P, Javed Q, Ambar RF, Adriansjah R, AlSaid S, Micic S, Lewis SE, Mutambirwa S, Fukuhara S, Parekattil S, Ahn ST, Jindal S, Takeshima T, Puigvert A, Amano T, Barrett T, Toprak T, Malhotra V, Atmoko W, Yumura Y, Morimoto Y, Negris Lima TF, Kunz Y, Kato Y, Umemoto Y

Purpose: The success of vasectomy is determined by the outcome of a post-vasectomy semen analysis (PVSA). This article describes a step-by-step procedure to perform PVSA accurately, report data from patients...
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