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8 results

Is a Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker Truly Superior to Proton Pump Inhibitors in Terms of Helicobacter pylori Eradication?

Sue S, Maeda S

Vonoprazan (VPZ), a new potassium-competitive acid blocker, has been approved and used for Helicobacter pylori eradication in Japan. To date, many studies, as well as several systematic reviews and meta-analyses...
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Visceral Obesity as a Risk Factor for Left-Sided Diverticulitis in Japan: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

Yamada E, Ohkubo H, Higurashi , Sakai E, Endo H, Takahashi , Uchida E, Tanida E, Izumi N, Kanesaki A, Hata Y, Matsuura T, Fujisawa N, Komatsu K, Maeda S, Nakajima A

  • KMID: 1806669
  • Gut Liver.
  • 2013 Sep;7(5):532-538.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Left-sided diverticulitis is increasing in Japan, and many studies report that left-sided diverticulitis is more likely to be severe. Therefore, it is important to identify the features and risk...
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Comparative Study of 2 Different Questionnaires in Japanese Patients: The Quality of Life and Utility Evaluation Survey Technology Questionnaire (QUEST) Versus the Frequency Scale for the Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Questionnaire (FSSG)

Nonaka T, Kessoku T, Ogawa Y, Yanagisawa S, Shiba T, Sakaguchi , Atsukawa K, Takahashi , Sekino Y, Iida H, Endo H, Sakamoto Y, Koide T, Takahashi , Yoneda M, Maeda S, Nakajima A, Gotoh E, Inamori M

  • KMID: 2325972
  • J Neurogastroenterol Motil.
  • 2013 Jan;19(1):54-60.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The aim of this study was to examine the convenience of the quality of life and utility evaluation survey technology (QUEST) questionnaire and the frequency scale for the symptoms...
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Change of Gastric Emptying With Chewing Gum: Evaluation Using a Continuous Real-Time 13C Breath Test (BreathID System)

Sakamoto Y, Kato S, Sekino Y, Sakai E, Uchiyama T, Iida H, Hosono K, Endo H, Fujita K, Koide T, Takahashi , Yoneda M, Tokoro C, Goto A, Abe Y, Kobayashi , Kubota K, Maeda S, Nakajima A, Inamori M

  • KMID: 2326212
  • J Neurogastroenterol Motil.
  • 2011 Apr;17(2):174-179.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: There are few reports on the correlation between chewing gum and the gastrointestinal functions. But previous report showed use of chewing gum to be an effective method for controlling...
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Mosapride Accelerates the Delayed Gastric Emptying of High-Viscosity Liquids: A Crossover Study Using Continuous Real-Time 13C Breath Test (BreathID System)

Sakamoto Y, Sekino Y, Yamada E, Ohkubo H, Higurashi , Sakai E, Iida H, Hosono K, Endo H, Nonaka T, Ikeda T, Fujita K, Yoneda M, Koide T, Takahashi , Goto A, Abe Y, Gotoh E, Maeda S, Nakajima A, Inamori M

  • KMID: 2325841
  • J Neurogastroenterol Motil.
  • 2011 Oct;17(4):395-401.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The administration of liquid nutrients to patients is often accompanied by complications such as gastroesophageal reflux. To prevent gastroesophageal reflux, high-viscosity liquid meals are used widely, however, it still...
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Intestinal ultrasound for intestinal Behçet disease reflects endoscopic activity and histopathological findings

Yaguchi K, Kunisaki R, Sato S, Hirai K, Izumi M, Fukuno Y, Tanaka M, Okazaki M, Wu R, Nishikawa Y, Matsune Y, Shibui S, Nakamori Y, Nishio M, Matsubayashi M, Ogashiwa T, Fujii A, Toritani K, Kimura H, Kumagai E, Sasahara Y, Inayama Y, Fujii S, Ebina T, Numata K, Maeda S

Background/Aims: Intestinal Behçet disease is typically associated with ileocecal punched-out ulcers and significant morbidity and mortality. Intestinal ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging technique for disease monitoring. However, no previous reports...
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Early Effect of Single-dose Sitagliptin Administration on Gastric Emptying: Crossover Study Using the 13C Breath Test

Nonaka T, Sekino Y, Iida H, Yamada E, Ohkubo H, Sakai E, Higurashi , Hosono K, Endo H, Koide T, Takahashi , Fujita K, Yoneda M, Goto A, Kusakabe A, Kobayashi , Gotoh E, Maeda S, Nakajima A, Nosaka C, Inamori M

  • KMID: 2325795
  • J Neurogastroenterol Motil.
  • 2013 Apr;19(2):227-232.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The gastrointestinal motility effects of endogenous incretin hormones enhanced by dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors have not yet been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study was to determine whether...
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Effects of Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists and Proton Pump Inhibitors on the Rate of Gastric Emptying: A Crossover Study Using a Continuous Real-Time 13C Breath Test (BreathID System)

Nonaka T, Kessoku T, Ogawa Y, Imajyo K, Yanagisawa S, Shiba T, Sakaguchi , Atsukawa K, Takahashi , Sekino Y, Sakai E, Uchiyama T, Iida H, Hosono K, Endo H, Sakamoto Y, Fujita K, Yoneda M, Koide T, Takahashi , Tokoro C, Abe Y, Gotoh E, Maeda S, Nakajima A, Inamori M

  • KMID: 2325819
  • J Neurogastroenterol Motil.
  • 2011 Jul;17(3):287-293.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The effects of Histamine-2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors on the gastrointestinal motility have not yet been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study was to determine the...
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