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3 results

Safety and Angiographic Efficacy of Intra-Arterial Fibrinolytics as Adjunct to Mechanical Thrombectomy: Results from the INFINITY Registry

Kaesmacher J, Abdullayev N, Maamari B, Dobrocky T, Vynckier J, Piechowiak EI, Pop R, Behme D, Sporns PB, Styczen H, Virtanen P, Meyer L, Meinel TR, Cantré D, Kabbasch C, Maus V, Pekkola J, Fischer S, Hasiu A, Schwarz A, Wildgruber M, Seiffge DJ, Langner S, Martinez-Majander N, Radbruch A, Schlamann M, Mihoc D, Beaujeux R, Strbian D, Fiehler J, Mordasini P, Gralla J, Fischer U

Background and Purpose Data on safety and efficacy of intra-arterial (IA) fibrinolytics as adjunct to mechanical thrombectomy (MT) are sparse. Methods INtra-arterial FIbriNolytics In ThrombectomY (INFINITY) is a retrospective multi-center observational...
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Etiology, 3-Month Functional Outcome and Recurrent Events in Non-Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Goeldlin MB, Mueller A, Siepen BM, Mueller M, Strambo D, Michel P, Schaerer M, Cereda CW, Bianco G, Lindheimer F, Berger C, Medlin F, Backhaus R, Peters N, Renaud S, Fisch L, Niederhaeuser J, Carrera E, Dirren E, Bonvin C, Sturzenegger R, Kahles T, Nedeltchev K, Kaegi G, Vehoff J, Rodic B, Bolognese M, Schelosky L, Salmen S, Mono ML, Polymeris AA, Engelter ST, Lyrer P, Wegener S, Luft AR, Z’Graggen W, Bervini D, Volbers B, Dobrocky T, Kaesmacher J, Mordasini P, Meinel TR, Arnold M, Fandino J, Bonati LH, Fischer U, Seiffge DJ, on Behalf of the SSR Investigators

Background and Purpose Knowledge about different etiologies of non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and their outcomes is scarce. Methods We assessed prevalence of pre-specified ICH etiologies and their association with outcomes in...
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Endovascular Therapy in the Extended Time Window for Large Vessel Occlusion in Patients With Pre-Stroke Disability

Tanaka K, Yamagami H, Qureshi MM, Uchida K, Siegler JE, Nogueira RG, Yoshimura S, Sakai N, Martinez-Majander N, Nagel S, Demeestere J, Puetz V, Haussen DC, Abdalkader M, Olive-Gadea M, Mohammaden MH, Marto JP, Dusart A, Winzer S, Tomppo L, Caparros F, Henon H, Bellante F, Ramos JN, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Sheth SA, Nannoni S, Kaesmacher J, Vandewalle L, Salazar-Marioni S, Farooqui M, Virtanen P, Ventura R, Zaidi S, Castonguay AC, Puri AS, Farzin B, Masoud HE, Klein P, Jesser J, Requena M, Dobrocky T, Kaiser DP, Peltola E, Strambo D, Möhlenbruch MA, Lin E, Ringleb PA, Zaidat OO, Cordonnier C, Roy D, Lemmens R, Ribo M, Strbian D, Fischer U, Michel P, Raymond J, Nguyen TN

Background and Purpose We compared the outcomes of endovascular therapy (EVT) in an extended time window in patients with large-vessel occlusion (LVO) between patients with and without pre-stroke disability. Methods In...
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