J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci.  2024 Nov;40(4):225-233. 10.14368/jdras.2024.40.4.225.

Three-dimensional analysis of buccally unilateral maxillary impacted canines

  • 1Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Dankook University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea


The aim was to conduct a three-dimensional comparison of impacted canines with their contralateral normal counterparts in patients exhibiting unilateral buccal impaction of the maxillary canine, utilizing the palatal plane as the benchmark reference.
Materials and Methods
Computed tomography scans from a cohort of 31 patients diagnosed with unilateral buccal impaction of the maxillary canine were analyzed. The impacted canine was examined against the contralateral normal canine, focusing on the variables of rotation, torque, angulation, root length, and root volume. The disparities in these parameters between the left and right canines and their association with patient age were evaluated.
Notable differences were observed in rotation, angulation, torque, root length, and root volume when comparing the impacted canine to its contralateral normal counterpart. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was identified between the age of the patients and the root length discrepancy of the impacted and contralateral normal canines.
The palatal plane proves to be a viable skeletal reference for predicting the impaction of maxillary canines, with rotation, angulation, and torque serving as reliable indicators. The study further elucidates that the unilateral buccally impacted maxillary canine is characterized by a discernibly shorter root length and diminished root volume in comparison to the contralateral normal canine.


imaging; three-dimensional; tooth; impacted


  • Fig. 1 Orientation of reference planes. (A) Axial view, (B) Sagittal view, (C) Coronal view.

  • Fig. 2 Canine three-dimensional position measurements. (A) Rotation, (B) Angulation, (C) Torque.

  • Fig. 3 Measurement of canine root characteristics. (A) Root length, (B) Root volume, (C) Apical hook.



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