J Korean Dent Sci.  2024 Jun;17(2):84-91. 10.5856/JKDS.2024.17.2.84.

Simultaneous Hard Tissue and Soft Tissue Graft with Dental Implant Placement and Provisionalization: A Case Report

  • 1Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry and Dental Research Institute, Seoul National University and Seoul National University Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea


Achieving both esthetic and functional implant rehabilitation is crucial for the successful treatment of the anterior maxilla. Adequate peri-implant alveolar bone and soft tissue are essential for optimal rehabilitation of the esthetic area, and there is a direct association between the implant position and prosthetic outcomes. Immediate provisionalization may also be advantageous when combined with augmentation. This case report described the implant placement in a 25-year-old female patient who had lost her right maxillary lateral incisor (#12) due to trauma-induced avulsion. The treatment involved simultaneous grafting and collagenated, deproteinized bovine bone mineral, along with subepithelial connective tissue taken from the right maxillary tuberosity. A polyetheretherketone abutment and non-functional immediate provisionalization were performed by removing both the proximal and occlusal contacts on the composite resin crown. Clinical and radiographic evaluations revealed maintenance of stable ridge contour aspects for six months following surgical treatment. In summary, implant rehabilitation in the esthetic zone can be successful using simultaneous soft and hard tissue grafts. Moreover, soft tissue stabilization post-subepithelial connective tissue grafting can be achieved through early or immediate visualization, along with immediate implant placement.


Implant; Dental implant; Alveolar bone grafting; Connective tissue graft; Provisionalization
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