Korean J Sports Med.  2024 Jun;42(2):136-144. 10.5763/kjsm.2024.42.2.136.

Effects of Short-term Repeated Sprint Exercise Training and Moderate Intensity Continuous Exercise Training on Vascular Function in Healthy Young Adults

  • 1Department of Sport Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
  • 2Division of Urban Social Health, Graduate School of Urban Public Health, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea


Moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) improves exercise capacity with vascular benefits, but time constraints hinder consistent adherence. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has emerged as a time-efficient alternative, with repeated sprint training (RST) being the shortest format. We hypothesized that RST would be as effective as MICT in improving vascular function and exercise capacity in young adults.
Twenty-three adults (mean age, 26.2±3.8 years) were randomly assigned to either RST or MICT. RST involved 20 sets of 4-second cycling sprints followed by 30-second active recovery, totaling 11 minutes. MICT consisted of 30-minute cycling at 50% to 60% of heart rate reserve. Vascular function evaluated via brachial artery flow-mediated dilation. Exercise capacity (maximum oxygen uptake, total exercise load test time) and anaerobic capacity (maximum power, anaerobic threshold) were measured using maximum exercise tests. These variables were measured befre and after a 6-week training.
Both groups showed comparable improvements in flow-mediated dilation (p< 0.05). Maximum oxygen intake slightly improved, while total exercise time significantly increased for both (p< 0.05). Anaerobic threshold unchanged, while maximum power improved (p< 0.05).
These findings underscore that RST is a time-efficient exercise strategy, which improves vascular function and exercise capacity as effectively as MICT in young adults.


Exercise; High-intensity interval training; Vasodilation


  • Fig. 1 Experimental design. HRR: heart rate reserve.

  • Fig. 2 Changes in resting heart rate (beat/min) from pre- to post-intervention. RST: repeated sprint training, MICT: moderate intensity continuous training. p for time effect.

  • Fig. 3 Changes in flow-mediated dilation (%) from pre- to post-intervention. RST: repeated sprint training, MICT: moderate intensity continuous training. p for time effect.

  • Fig. 4 Changes in peak power (W) from pre- to post-intervention. RST: repeated sprint training, MICT: moderate intensity continuous training. p for time effect.

  • Fig. 5 Changes in exercise time (min) from pre- to post-intervention. RST: repeated sprint training, MICT: moderate intensity continuous training. p for time effect.


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