J Korean Neurosurg Soc.  2024 May;67(3):299-307. 10.3340/jkns.2024.0047.

Clinical Features and Treatment of Pediatric Cerebral Cavernous Malformations

  • 1Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


Cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM) is a vascular anomaly commonly found in children and young adults. Common clinical presentations of pediatric patients with CCMs include headache, focal neurological deficits, and seizures. Approximately 40% of pediatric patients are asymptomatic. Understanding the natural history of CCM is crucial and hemorrhagic rates are higher in patients with an initial hemorrhagic presentation, whereas it is low in asymptomatic patients. There is a phenomenon known as temporal clustering in which a higher frequency of symptomatic hemorrhages occurs within a few years following the initial hemorrhagic event. Surgical resection remains the mainstay of treatment for pediatric CCMs. Excision of a hemosiderin-laden rim is controversial regarding its impact on epilepsy outcomes. Stereotactic radiosurgery is an alternative treatment, especially for deepseated CCMs, but its true efficacy needs to be verified in a clinical trial.


Cerebral cavernous malformation; Child; Hemorrhage; Epilepsy; Surgery


  • Fig. 1. A 6-month-old infant presented with a recent onset of poor head control, which began 2 weeks prior to evaluation. At the time of presentation, her developmental milestones were within the expected range. No focal neurologic deficits were noted apart from the poor head control. MRI revealed a huge multicystic mass with a hemosiderin rim involving the left thalamus and midbrain (A and B). Mild ventriculomegaly was also observed. Additionally, T2-weighted images displayed small, hypointense lesions in the white matter of the right frontal and parietal lobes, and left occipital lobe, indicative of multiple CCMs (arrows) (C). Surgical intervention was performed via an interhemispheric transcallosal approach, resulting in the complete resection of the left thalamic CCM (D). Subsequently, the patient developed hydrocephalus necessitating ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement. Three months postoperatively, a follow-up MRI revealed a large cystic mass located at the right foramen of Monro and thalamus (arrow) (E). Furthermore, an increase in the size of preexisting CCMs in the right frontal and parietal lobes (arrows), and new lesion development in the right occipital horn were observed (F). The patient underwent multiple surgical procedures for growing hemorrhagic lesions. Genetic analysis identified an inactivating germline mutation of the CCM3 gene in both the patient and her father. MRI : magnetic resonance image, CCM : cerebral cavernous malformation.

  • Fig. 2. A 13-month-old female presented with acute onset of left 6th nerve palsy. Initial CT scan revealed acute round-shaped bleeding in the left pontine tegmentum (A). Conservative management led to mild perilesional edema observed in an MRI taken 1 week later (B). However, at the 10th day post-initial event, the patient developed right hemiparesis, with MRI showing increased hemorrhage size and development of a hemosiderin rim around the core (C and D). Surgical removal of the pontine cavernous malformation was indicated. Under intraoperative monitoring, a suboccipital telovelar approach was performed to dispose of the fourth ventricle floor, with the cavernous malformation exposed in the upper pons (E). The fourth ventricle floor was severely distorted by the underlying mass and midline sulcus could not be identified. Floor mapping identified critical landmarks, and the exposure hole of cavernous malformation was located 4 mm above the left facial colliculus. After removal of subacute hematoma, the mass was completely removed in pieces via gentle dissection from the cavity wall (F and G). The patient experienced gradual recovery of hemiparesis and 6th nerve palsy during follow-up. CT : computed tomography, MRI : magnetic resonance image.



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