Tuberc Respir Dis.  1972 Sep;19(3):13-20. 10.4046/trd.1972.19.3.13.

Epizootiological and Bacteriological Studies of Bovine Tuberculosis in Korea -Report 1 Epizootiological Survey on the Tuberculin Reactor of Dairy Cattle in Korea


Epizootiological survey on the tubercuIin reactor of dairy catttle in Korea, during the period 10 years, from 1961 to 1970. Following summary could be obtained; (1) lncidence rate of bovine tubercuIin reactor in dairy cattle in 1961 was 1161. 2 per 100.000, reduced somewhat in 1962 to 187, but increased up to 669. 2 (0.67%) in 1969. (2) The highest rate of tubercuIin reaction could be found in dairy cattle whose age range between 2-3 years oId, which accounted 40% of the total incidence. (3) Distributíon of geographical incidence of the tuberculin reactor in dairy cattle during 1968-1970 showed; 70% of the incidence occured in Kyong-gi province and 11.6% in Seoul area. (4) Epizootiological investigation made over the Kyong-gi province area, where 47.8% of the total number of dairy cattle in Korea, being raised indicated 84.1% of the total incidence of tuberculin reactor has been occurred in the vicinity of Seoul city area. (5) Comparison of incidence rate made with these of other countries indicated Korea has the highest rate of occurrence. (6) Economical losses due to the bovine tuberculosis(tuberculin reactors) were calculated to be a total of 225, 540.000 won during 1961-1970.

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