Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev.  2020 Jun;25(1):60-62. 10.14192/kjicp.2020.25.1.60.

Residual Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide after Nocospray® Dispersion in Negative Pressure Isolation Room

  • 1Infection Control Unit, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Korea
  • 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Korea
  • 3Department of Occupational and Envirnmental Medicine, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Korea


Non-touch technology using UV vapor or hydrogen peroxide vapor has been been introduced for environmental decontamination in hospitals. Hydrogen peroxide is a hazardous substance; therefore, any exposure should be to concentrations less than 1 ppm according to occupational safety and health standards. The residual concentration of hydrogen peroxide after the dispersal of Nocospray® hydrogen peroxide vapor was measured and adjusted for ventilation time because the air conditioning system in every medical institution is different. It is important to determine a patient’s admission time based on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide remaining in a room to ensure staff and patient safety.


Negative pressure room; Hydrogen peroxide vapor


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