Korean J Orthod.  2020 May;50(3):216-226. 10.4041/kjod.2020.50.3.216.

Unilateral maxillary central incisor root resorption after orthodontic treatment for Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusion with significant maxillary midline deviation: A possible correlation with root proximity to the incisive canal

  • 1Department of Orthodontic Science, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan


Root resorption can be caused by several factors, including contact with the cortical bone. Here we report a case involving a 21-year-old female with Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusion who exhibited significant root resorption in the maxillary right central incisor after orthodontic treatment. The patient presented with significant left-sided deviation of the maxillary incisors due to lingual dislocation of the left lateral incisor and a Class II molar relationship. Cephalometric analysis demonstrated a Class I skeletal relationship (A pointnasion- B point, 2.5o) and proclined maxillary anterior teeth (upper incisor to sella-nasion plane angle, 113.4o). The primary treatment objectives were the achievement of stable occlusion with midline agreement between the maxillary and mandibular dentitions and appropriate maxillary anterior tooth axes and molar relationship. A panoramic radiograph obtained after active treatment showed significant root resorption in the maxillary right central incisor; therefore, we performed cone-beam computed tomography, which confirmed root resorption along the cortical bone around the incisive canal. The findings from this case, where different degrees of root resorption were observed despite comparable degrees of orthodontic movement in the bilateral maxillary central incisors, suggest that the incisive canal could be an inducing factor for root


Root resorption; Computed tomography; Digital models; Incisive canal


  • Figure 1 Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

  • Figure 2 Pretreatment dental casts.

  • Figure 3 Pretreatment radiographs. A, Lateral cephalogram. B, Posteroanterior cephalogram. C, Panoramic radiograph.

  • Figure 4 Pretreatment cone-beam computed tomography images. A, Transverse image at the apex level of the maxillary incisor roots. B, Parasagittal image of the maxillary right central incisor. C, Parasagittal image of the maxillary left central incisor.

  • Figure 5 Treatment progress. A, After 1 month of active treatment. B, After 9 months of active treatment. C, After 13 months of active treatment.

  • Figure 6 Post-treatment facial and intraoral photographs.

  • Figure 7 Post-treatment dental casts.

  • Figure 8 Post-treatment radiographs. A, Lateral cephalogram. B, Posteroanterior cephalogram. C, Panoramic radiograph.

  • Figure 9 Superimposed tracings of pre- (black line) and post-treatment (red line) lateral cephalograms. A, Superimposition on the sella-nasion plane at the sella. B, Superimposition on the palatal plane at anterior nasal spine. C, Superimposition on the mandibular plane at the menton.

  • Figure 10 Angle between the maxillary incisor midline (i.e., the line connecting the midpoints of the crowns and root apices of the left and right maxillary central incisors) and the facial midline. A, Before orthodontic treatment. B, After orthodontic treatment.

  • Figure 11 Post-treatment cone-beam computed tomography images. A, Transverse image at the apical level of the maxillary incisor roots. B, Parasagittal image of the maxillary right central incisor. C, Parasagittal image of the maxillary left central incisor.

  • Figure 12 Superimposed three-dimensional models of pre- and post-treatment maxillary central incisors. A, Right. B, Left. Light blue, Post-treatment maxillary left central incisor; light green, post-treatment maxillary right central incisor; gray, pre-treatment incisors (left and right).

  • Figure 13 Amount of displacement of the maxillary incisors during active treatment. A color scale is provided to indicate the amount of displacement. A, Frontal view. B, Posterior view. C, Right view. D, Left view.

  • Figure 14 Post-retention facial and intraoral photographs.

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