Nat Prod Sci.  2019 Jun;25(2):81-91. 10.20307/nps.2019.25.2.81.

Essential Oil of Marrubium vulgare: Chemical Composition and Biological Activities. A Review

  • 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Nature and Life Science, Ziane Achour University, Djelfa 17000, Algeria.


Marrubium vulgare, plant species belonging to Marrubium genus, is widespread in the Mediterranean areas, introduced elsewhere and also cultivated in many countries. Its oil is recognized to possess a considerable biological activities with varied chemical composition. This paper aims to overview the chemical composition and biological activities of M. vulgare essential oil's considered as a medicinal plant, widely used in folk medicine overall the world. In essential oils of M. vulgare, germacrene D, β-caryophyllene, β-bisabolene, bicyclogermacrene and carvacrol are generally considered as either mains or minor constituents and each species presents its own composition. Sesquiterpenoids were the dominant fraction while monoterpenoids were present in appreciable or in trace amount. Oxygenated fractions dominated in monoterpenes however, hydrocarbon fraction overpowered in sesquiterpenes. These oils are biologically active, they exhibit an antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and other activities. Due to the variability of composition of essential oil, further studies are necessary, particularly regarding their chemical's which may cause an important change in the biological activities of oils and probably defined different chemotype.


Antimicrobial activity; antioxidant activity; chemical constituents; Marrubium vulgare

MeSH Terms

Medicine, Traditional
Oils, Volatile
Plants, Medicinal
Oils, Volatile


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