Hanyang Med Rev.  2017 Nov;37(2):61-70. 10.7599/hmr.2017.37.2.61.

Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis: Applications to Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • 1VUNO Inc., Seoul, Korea. kyuhwanjung@gmail.com
  • 2School of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.


Recent advances in deep learning have brought many breakthroughs in medical image analysis by providing more robust and consistent tools for the detection, classification and quantification of patterns in medical images. Specifically, analysis of advanced modalities such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has benefited most from the data-driven nature of deep learning. This is because the need of knowledge and experience-oriented feature engineering process can be circumvented by automatically deriving representative features from the complex high dimensional medical images with respect to the target tasks. In this paper, we will review recent applications of deep learning in the analysis of CT and MR images in a range of tasks and target organs. While most applications are focused on the enhancement of the productivity and accuracy of current diagnostic analysis, we will also introduce some promising applications which will significantly change the current workflow of medical imaging. We will conclude by discussing opportunities and challenges of applying deep learning to advanced imaging and suggest future directions in this domain.


Deep Learning; Medical Imaging; Computed Tomography; Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MeSH Terms

Diagnostic Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging*


  • Fig. 1A Visualization of ‘evidence hotspot’ in spinal MRI [10]. Adapted with permission

  • Fig. 1B HIV patient and normal control HIV patient and healthy control

  • Fig. 2 Multi-stream, multi-scale CNN architecture for pulmonary nodule classification [16]. Adapted with permission.

  • Fig. 3 Segmentation of aggressive prostate cancer lesion using GAN [29]. Adapted with permission.

  • Fig. 4 Conversion of MRI to CT using GAN [38]. Adapted with permission

  • Fig. 5 Example of a model adopting deep learning for survival analysis [40]. Adapted with permission.

Cited by  1 articles

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Jihoon Jeong
Hanyang Med Rev. 2017;37(2):47-48.    doi: 10.7599/hmr.2017.37.2.47.


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