J Adv Prosthodont.  2018 Jun;10(3):184-190. 10.4047/jap.2018.10.3.184.

Stress distribution in premolars restored with inlays or onlays: 3D finite element analysis

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea.
  • 2Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea. hjchung@jnu.ac.kr


To analyze stress distribution in premolars restored with inlays or onlays using various materials.
Three-dimensional maxillary premolar models of abutments were designed to include the following: 1) inlay with O cavity (O group), 2) inlay with MO cavity (MO group), 3) inlay with MOD cavity (MOD group), and 4) onlay (ONLAY group). A restoration of each inlay or onlay cavity was simulated using gold alloy, e.max ceramic, or composite resin for restoration. To simulate masticatory forces, a total of 140 N static axial force was applied onto the tooth at the occlusal contact areas. A finite element analysis was performed to predict the magnitude and pattern of stresses generated by occlusal loading.
Maximum von Mises stress values generated in the abutment teeth of the ONLAY group were ranged from 26.1 to 26.8 MPa, which were significantly lower than those of inlay groups (O group: 260.3-260.7 MPa; MO group: 252.1-262.4 MPa; MOD group: 281.4-298.8 MPa). Maximum von Mises stresses generated with ceramic, gold, and composite restorations were 280.1, 269.9, and 286.6 MPa, respectively, in the MOD group. They were 252.2, 248.0, 255.1 MPa, respectively, in the ONLAY group.
The onlay design (ONLAY group) protected tooth structures more effectively than inlay designs (O, MO, and MOD groups). However, stress magnitudes in restorations with various dental materials exhibited no significant difference among groups (O, MO, MOD, ONLAY).


Inlay; Onlay; Finite element analysis; Restorative material

MeSH Terms

Bite Force
Dental Materials
Finite Element Analysis*
Dental Materials


  • Fig. 1 (A) MO cavity was created on the 3-D CAD model of the maxillary premolar tooth. (B) Cross-sectional view of premolar tooth showing the enamel, dentin and pulp chamber.

  • Fig. 2 Models of 3 inlays and 1 onlay bodies restored on the maxillary second premolars. (O), Class I inlay with butt joint and 0.9 mm-wide isthmus. (MO), Class II MO inlay with a mesial proximal box. (MOD), Class II inlay with both mesial and distal proximal boxes. (ONLAY), Onlay completely covers the occlusal surface with proximal boxes.

  • Fig. 3 3-D solid models meshed with tetrahedral elements. All nodes on the lower surface of the tooth were constrained in all directions (X, Y, and Z), as a boundary condition. The static axial force was applied vertically onto the tooth at occlusal contact points (palatal cusp, central fossa, and marginal ridges).

  • Fig. 4 Maximum von Mises stresses generated in restorations with various dental materials. Stress magnitudes in restorations restored with various dental materials showed relatively little differences among groups of O, MO, MOD and ONLAY.

  • Fig. 5 Similar distribution and concentration pattern of von Mises stresses in restoration of the O group and the MO group during mastication. High stress concentration areas were generated at the loading site near central fossa in the O group. Marginal ridge and central fossa area generated maximum values in the MO group.

  • Fig. 6 Stress concentration localized around the central fossa and marginal ridges of MOD group regardless of various restorative materials.

  • Fig. 7 High von Mises stress concentration areas were observed at the loading site near the lingual cusp tip, marginal ridges and central fossa in onlay body regardless of various restorative materials. The ONLAY group showed a favorable distribution of stresses in the abutment tooth. Only a small value of von Mises stresses and slight difference in stress gradient were found in tooth structures.

  • Fig. 8 Maximum von Mises stresses generated in the abutment teeth with various dental materials. Stress values in ONLAY group were significantly lower than those of inlay groups (O, MO, MOD).

  • Fig. 9 Maximum and minimum principal stresses generated in the abutment teeth with various dental materials. Bars with minus direction denote the minimum principal (compressive) stresses. Bars with plus direction show the maximum principal (tensile) stress. Magnitude tendencies of principal stress are similar to the values of von Mises stress shown in Fig. 8. Stress values in ONLAY group are significantly lower than those of inlay groups (O, MO, and MOD).


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