J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2017 Sep;23(4):416-426. 10.11111/jkana.2017.23.4.416.

Perception of Healthcare Accreditation System on Patient Safety Management Activities and Nursing Performance of Regional Public Hospital Nurses

  • 1Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Nambu University, Korea. biola@nambu.ac.kr


This study was done to identify the ways regional public hospital nurses perceive the healthcare accreditation system as related to their patient safety management activities and nursing performance.
The participants were 190 nurses chosen with convenient sampling from nurses who worked at regional public hospitals that had obtained healthcare accreditation as of May, 2016 and who had experienced the healthcare accreditation process at least once and whose clinical experience was one year or longer. Collected data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis.
There were significant positive correlations between perception of the Healthcare Accreditation System, patient safety management activities and nursing performance. Factors affecting patient safety management activities were activities to improve medical service quality, patient dissatisfaction and difficulties, changes and values. These factors explained 55.4% of variance in patient safety management activities (F=22.25, p<.001). The factors affecting nursing performance were being charge nurses and activities to improve medical service quality. These factors explained 48.1% of the variance in nursing performance (F=16.57, p<.001).
Finding indicate that positive perception of the healthcare accreditation system by nurses at local government institutions is a factor in heightening patient safety management activities and nursing performance.


Healthcare accreditation; Patient safety; Work performance; Nurse

MeSH Terms

Delivery of Health Care*
Hospitals, Public*
Local Government
Nursing, Supervisory
Patient Safety*
Work Performance

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Ju-Hui Moon, Sook-Hee Yoon
J Korean Acad Nurs Adm. 2018;24(4):307-318.    doi: 10.11111/jkana.2018.24.4.307.


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