J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2016 Mar;22(2):167-177. 10.11111/jkana.2016.22.2.167.

Nurses' Perception of Accreditation, Awareness and Performance of Infection Control in an Accredited Healthcare System

  • 1Infection control team, Yeungnam University Medical Center, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Konyang University, Korea. jypark@konyang.ac.kr


This study was conducted to provide basic data necessary to develop a program to improve infection control by examining nurses' perception of accreditation and by identifying its relationship with awareness and performance of infection control.
This cross-sectional study was performed using questionnaires. Data were collected from 210 nurses who were working at one hospital between May 14 and May 19, 2015. Data were analyzed using SPAW.
The mean score for nurses' perception of accreditation was 3.10 points out of 5 points. Score for awareness of infection control was 4.63±0.39 points and for performance of infection control, 4.39±0.39 points. There were significant positive correlation among perception of accreditation, awareness of infection control, and performance of infection control. In the regression analysis, performance of infection control was influenced by awareness of infection control which accounted for 42.6% of the variance. It also showed additional improvement of 1.4% of the variance by when perception of accreditation was added.
The result of this study show that nurses' perception of accreditation is relatively positive and that performance of infection control is highly enhanced according to nurses' positive recognition of accreditation as well as attaching importance to accreditation.


Accreditation; Infection control awareness; Infection control performance

MeSH Terms

Cross-Sectional Studies
Delivery of Health Care*
Infection Control*

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