J Korean Phys Ther.  2017 Apr;29(2):55-61. 10.18857/jkpt.2017.29.2.55.

The Effect of a Task-oriented Upper Arm Exercise on Stable and Unstable Surfaces on Dynamic Balance and Hand Function in Patient with Cerebral Palsy

  • 1Daegu University Rehabilitation Clinic, Daegu, Korea.
  • 2Department of Physical therapy, College of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School, Daegu University, Daegu, Korea. puhaha1116@naver.com


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a task-oriented upper arm exercise performed in a sitting position on either an unstable support surface or a stable support surface for children with cerebral palsy.
We prospectively evaluated 18 children with cerebral palsy. Eight subjects were randomly assigned to each of the stable and unstable support surface groups. We performed the upper arm exercise three times a week for 6 weeks. To confirm the effects of the intervention, the berg balance scale test, modified functional reaching test (MFRT), timed up and go test (TUG), and Jebsen-Taylor hand function test were conducted before and after the study.
Significant differences were observed in MFRT and TUG between the experimental and control groups (p<0.05). In the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test, there were significant differences between the groups for the items picking up small objects, stacking checkers, lifting large light objects, and lifting large heavy objects (p<0.05), but not for writing and stimulation of feeding. Significant differences were observed between the groups in items of card turning, lifting large light objects, and lifting heavy objects.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a task-oriented upper extremity exercise program for dynamic balance and hand function performed in a sitting position with either stable or unstable support by cerebral palsy patients. There were improvements in the two groups, but performing the exercise while sitting on an unstable support surface had a greater effect on dynamic balance and hand function than exercise while sitting on a stable supporting surface. The results of this study can be used to improve the daily lives of cerebral palsy patients.


Cerebral palsy; Unstable; Stable; Task-oriented approach; Upper extremity exercise

MeSH Terms

Cerebral Palsy*
Prospective Studies
Upper Extremity
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