J Korean Med Sci.  2017 Jun;32(6):887-892. 10.3346/jkms.2017.32.6.887.

Similarity Analysis of Korean Medical Literature and Its Association with Efforts to Improve Research and Publication Ethics

  • 1Asan Medical Library, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. ymkoo@amc.seoul.kr


In the present study, the frequency of research misconduct in Korean medical papers was analyzed using the similarity check software iThenticate®. All Korean papers written in English that were published in 2009 and 2014 in KoreaMed Synapse were identified. In total, 23,848 papers were extracted. 4,050 original articles of them were randomly selected for similarity analysis. The average Similarity Index of the 4,050 papers decreased over time, particularly in 2013: in 2009 and 2014, it was 10.15% and 5.62%, respectively. And 357 (8.8%) had a Similarity Index of ≥ 20%. Authors considered a Similarity Index of ≥ 20% as suspected research misconduct. It was found that iThenticate® cannot functionally process citations without double quotation marks. Papers with a Similarity Index of ≥ 20% were thus individually checked for detecting such text-matching errors to accurately identify papers with suspected research misconduct. After correcting text-matching errors, 142 (3.5% of the 4,050 papers) were suspected of research misconduct. The annual frequency of these papers decreased over time, particularly in 2013: in 2009 and 2014, it was 5.2% and 1.7%, respectively. The decrease was associated with the introduction of CrossCheck by KoreaMed and the frequent use of similarity check software. The majority (81%) had Similarity Indices between 20% and 40%. The fact suggested that low Similarity index does not necessarily mean low possibility of research misconduct. It should be noted that, although iThenticate® provides a fundamental basis for detecting research misconduct, the final judgment should be made by experts.


Plagiarism; Duplicate Publication as Topic; Editorial Policies; Scientific Misconduct; Periodicals as Topic; Software

MeSH Terms

Duplicate Publication as Topic
Editorial Policies
Periodicals as Topic
Scientific Misconduct


  • Fig. 1 Flow chart showing paper extraction, random paper selection, exclusion of authors' own papers, and published papers after them, correction of text-matching errors, and identification of papers suspected of research misconduct.

  • Fig. 2 Distribution of Similarity Indices in 4,050 Korean medical papers in 2009–2014.

  • Fig. 3 Change over time (2009–2014) in the frequency of Korean medical papers that fell into specific Similarity Index categories.

  • Fig. 4 Average Similarity Index per year (2009–2014) of Korean medical papers.

  • Fig. 5 Frequency over time (2009–2014) of papers with suspected research misconduct.

  • Fig. 6 Distribution of the Similarity Indices of the 142 papers with suspected research misconduct.

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